Saturday, January 3, 2009 article claiming poll respondents are "[w]ary about Obama" did not note poll was based on voluntary responses

Media Matters - In a December 29 article headlined "2008 Military Times poll: Wary about Obama," staff writer Brendan McGarry reported: "When asked how they feel about President-elect Barack Obama as commander in chief, six out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey." McGarry further reported that "[t]he responses are not representative of the opinions of the military as a whole," but he did not mention that according to a separate article, the poll was based on voluntary responses by subscribers to Army Times Publishing Co. newspapers rather than a random statistical sample of service members, and that therefore no margin of error can be calculated for the poll. A report on the poll on the January 2 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends also omitted this information, as did the Chicago Sun-Times' website, which posted excerpts of McGarry's article.

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