Thursday, May 30, 2024

Guilty on All Counts! Jail Time Is Pending

It appears that Donald Trump has made history once again but not for anything good. He is now the first ever former President to be convicted of a crime, in this case 34 of them! Where do we go from here? it's really anyone's guess at the moment. Many legal experts are stating that instead of jail time, our disgraced former President may just walk away with probation seeing how it would be a logistical nightmare for the Secret Service to protect Trump while incarcerated at Rikers Island. 

Sentencing Trump to probation because the Secret Service could not adequately protect him in prison is a joke! He needs to do some hard time behind bars, whether it's 4 weeks, 4 months or 4 years, he needs to go to jail! His sentencing will take place on July 11th

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