Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 2, 2019 Middletown Township Committee Meeting

I know It's been awhile but I haven't forgotten it's just been one of those couple of months. Anyway, here is the latest video of the Middletown Township Committee in action. This meeting took place on Monday night, December 2, 2019.

It was a quick meeting, lasting only 19 minutes, but a couple of significant things took place, namely a $5.145M appropriation to construct artificial turf fields at Normandy Park.

Do we need to spend more money on artificial turf field when there are so many other pressing concerns around town?

Watch the video:

As always you can download a copy of the Meeting Agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars.

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