Wednesday, January 25, 2017

BOE Workshop Meeting - January 18, 2017

I meant to post this video of the January 18th Workshop meeting of the Middletown Board of Education last week, when it was first published, before last night's scheduled BOE meeting, but just didn't get around to it. I suppose that was because the meeting was routine and filled with Committee Reports from the various ad-hoc committees that actually do the heavy lifting for the school district.

On a brief side note, I just wanted to mentioned that for her very first meeting as BOE president, Danielle Walsh, though obviously nervous, did a fine job at conducting the meeting.

You can find the Meeting Agendas, Committee Report and the program for the Student Recognition HERE.  If you'd like to watch the video of the Student Recognition from earlier that evening, you can do so HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it is in this meeting, but the Board of Ed just went to for bids to put solar panels on top of each school. It is about time we took advantage of all of that flat, unobstructed space. Great way to reduce our carbon footprint.