Sunday, January 10, 2016

Two important climate events in Central NJ - 1/20 and 1/27


Neptune Township's Environmental Commission, Food & Water Watch, Bayshore Regional Watershed Council, WATERSPIRIT, Coastal Monmouth Democrats, and others are teaming up to bring together an event about oil & gas fracking wastes on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 6 p.m. that elected officials, environmental commissions, health commissions, and community leaders are all invited to. This event will take place at 25 Neptune Blvd., Neptune, New Jersey on the 2nd floor in the Township of Neptune Committee Room.

The January 20th event will discuss the issue of dangerous wastes from oil & gas drilling currently finding its way in to New Jersey. Please join us to learn about the pathways of exposure to fracking wastes and loopholes that allow this waste to be mismanaged. Also hear from local elected officials who have passed legislation to protect their communities and learn about how you can safeguard your community from fracking wastes.

Fracking is a dangerous process to extract oil or natural gas, and while it's not happening in the state, the impact of fracking goes far beyond the well pad and we're feeling the effects. The contaminants in fracking waste, including radium-226 and a slew of hazardous drilling chemicals, are linked to cancer and birth defects and are extremely difficult to remove once they have permeated drinking water supplies. Fracking waste is even sometimes spread on roads and can run off into school playgrounds, residential properties, and farmland, and can ultimately contaminate rivers, streams, and underground aquifers that feed local drinking water supplies. This could hurt our health, as well as tourism and our local economy.

For more information:

Rita Yelda of Food &Water Watch, or 732-993-8966.

Invite your friends on Facebook!:

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