Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grow Monmouth Roundtable at Middletown Arts Center Jan. 27; Local Business Owners And Managers Invited To Attend

From Middletown Alerts:

Monmouth County Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone is inviting Middletown business owners and managers to a Grow Monmouth roundtable at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 27 at the Middletown Arts Center at 36 Church St.

“This roundtable is being done in partnership with the governing body of Middletown,” said Arnone, liaison to the County’s Division of Economic Development. “It is important for local officials, business owners and managers to get together to discuss ways to grow business, economy and community in Monmouth County.”

The Grow Monmouth roundtables mark the first time that the Board of Chosen Freeholders has partnered with the governing body of municipalities to encourage direct conversation with business owners and managers.

“Business owners and managers are encouraged to discuss zoning and regulations that impact business success,” said Arnone. “Issues that support and foster business growth, as well as issues that make it difficult for businesses to thrive and expand, will be part of the discussions. Attendees are invited to make suggestions to officials on how to best resolve issues.”

Contact the Division of Economic Development for more information at 732-431-7470. The roundtables are part of the County’s Grow Monmouth program offers assistance to both municipalities and businesses to help spur economic development in the County.

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