Thursday, June 26, 2014



(Trenton) — Today, before a select crowd in Camden County, Chris Christie’s truth-defying narrative took center stage, as the governor denied responsibility for an array of policy concerns.

Notably, to plug a projected $2.75 billion budget shortfall created by Christie's overly optimistic revenue projections, the governor wants to cut planned pension contributions. His approach is to break the promises he made to hard working New Jerseyans, dismiss Democratic proposals, blame others for his mistakes, and then to personalize the state's challenges.

“It's shocking and disturbing that Governor Christie has no proposal to repair New Jersey’s troubled economy, and that he is incapable of accepting responsibility for his actions. In his carefully selected public appearances, he tells a few jokes, and then spins fictional tales that serve his political purposes but not our needs,” said John Currie, Chairman of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee. "Chris Christie needs to stop burdening middle class families with his failures, and start being truthful about the messes he created."

Governor Christie was willing to literally dance around his scandals on late night television earlier this month, but he refuses to acknowledge the severity of federal probes into his administration’s misuse of public funds, and prioritizes Republican campaign activities over New Jersey’s needs.

The fact is, Chris Christie’s policies have seriously undermined New Jersey’s economy, resulting in record six state credit downgrades, with further downgrades threatened, a massive hole in the New Jersey’s 2014 budget, the highest unemployment levels in the region, and a job creation rate that is ranked among the worst in the nation.

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