Friday, May 2, 2014

Middletown BOE Public Hearing on the Proposed 2014-2015 Budget on May 5, 2014: Tax Levy Expected To Be 3.6%

I found the following press release (see below) on the Middletown Board of Education (BOE) website. There will be a public hearing this upcoming Monday night, May 5th on the proposed 2014-2015 school year budget. According the press release the proposed school budget is expected to include a 2% tax increase.

The press release also states that the BOE plans to utilize a portion of the district's "banked" tax levy saved  from previous years, to fund a pending pension liability assessment from the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits. What the press release doesn't state though is how much of an additional levy will be imposed through the use of the banked cap levy.  The BOE would prefer to inform residents at the meeting Monday night.

Don't fret however, you needn't  wait all weekend to find out. I've learned that the there will be an additional 1.6% added to the  tax levy to fund they pension liability, which would bring the overall tax levy for the upcoming school year to 3.6%.

If you have any further questions about  the proposed budget make sure to attend Monday's BOE meeting and ask. I'm sure you'll get the answers you're be looking for.


Middletown, New Jersey, May 1, 2014 – The Middletown Township Board of Education will be
conducting a public hearing on its final proposed budget for the 2014-2015 school year on Monday,
May 5th at 8:00 p.m. at Middletown High School North, 63 Tindall Road, Middletown.

The Board of Education approved a tentative budget that includes a 2% increase in the tax levy. The
final proposed budget that the Board will be voting on at this meeting includes the utilization of a
portion of the district’s total banked tax levy to fund a pending pension liability assessment from the
New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits. The banked cap utilization will increase the 2014-2015
tax levy. This change will be discussed at the May 5th public hearing.

The May 5, 2014 voting meeting agenda is currently posted online at


Anonymous said...

It's outrageous Mike, why are we not paying more attention to this collection of buffoons is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

"According the press release the proposed school budget is expected to include a 2% tax increase."

It is not a 2% increase in your taxes, it is a 2% increase in the school budget which is the amount allowed by the state without having to hold a vote by the residents. Only the school portion of your tax bill will increase by 2%. Your entire tax bill will not be 2% higher.

The "banked" money was the result of keeping the budget under the 2% maximum allowed. The difference goes into a "bank" which can be used later. If the district doesn't use the money it will eventually go away. A no brainer. It is sitting there for the taking. To not use it would be a total waste.

If our board of education is acting in the best interest of our children, there is no way they shouldn't pass this budget. If it doesn't pass, watch out. Look at who votes it down, they don't represent your kids. Either they are worried about their own political futures or they are representing an outside interest.

I will posting the names of anyone who votes this budget down right here so that we can remember who they are on election day.

Anonymous said...

oh brother, which board member (or former board member..wink wink) are you)

The board of ed lied to the pta's, lied to the parents, and the entire community which came out at the meeting. Get your facts straight

Judging from the meeting, anyone who votes FOR the budget will surely be voted out!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to stop voting for the best interest of our children and start voting for he best interest of the taxpayers. I would think its safe to bet there are more taxpayers without children than with.

Anonymous said...

Nice, use the word "lie" but don't say what they lied about.

Just what the world and this town needs, another off the wall conspiracy theory including dozens of school administrators and nine board members holding a secret meeting in an undisclosed location to discuss what "lie" they are going to tell the public in order to keep them in the dark.

And when the state auditors come to the district to look at the books, the administrators will dazzle them with sleight of hand, black magic and trickery because the administrators would rather risk their jobs than tell the public the truth.

And Elvis works at McDonald's. I know because I saw him serve a Big Mac to Michael Jackson just the other day.

You really need to get a clue.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the voters made the wrong choice with 2 of the candidates in November. Shame on the voters for being so naive.

I was there and it is true that the BOE and Dr.George were caught misleading the public. Some of the board members openly admitted they didn't understand the need for a 2% increase much less the need to go to bank cap for something that is NOT EVEN A BILL!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's s relief! Only the portion if your property tax bill concerning the boe will go up.
Um you forgot to remind everyone that that portion of the tax bill already exceeds 62% of the property tax. But don't worry, its only a small amount of money. As it was last year, the year before, the year before that and on and on. And next year we'll be told, don't worry its only a small amount of money we can handle it.
Tell us something. How much property does the boe hold? How much of that is actually being used?
Tell us about the underhanded special election that just accrued in February. All the debt we just got sucked into. All because the state was willing to give us money for projects.
Oh thank you state! For giving us OUR money. Makes sense doesn't it? Because someone gives you something you add 3 times the amount of the total, go into debt for most if not all of it and then pay interest on that money over the next 100 years. Oh yea, I know, they'll tell us the loan is for 20 or 30 but some where between now and then they'll rebound it for another 30.
Yea, what's to worry about?
While on the subject of property tax. Why does Monmouth county own 5000 acres 5 square miles of land?
Land that could be collecting tax revenue but in stead, the tax payer has to fund for the purchase and maintenance of all this land. For what? A park system? Hundreds of these acres go unused. Don't allow them to tell you that the lease the property out to farmers. Yes I know they do. But for how much? And the farmers I'm aware of that lease all have political connections.
We don't need all this land. Recently the county took over a portion if the forte. Indoor swimming pool I'm to understand. We have the ocean, lakes, rivers and ponds, but we need a swimming pool. The county has at least 5 golf courses. Probably more than one pool. Nothing more than social Engineering and the soaking up of land from the hands of the private sector.
Middletown it self has 46 little parks. I have one just down the road from me. No one NO ONE is ever in it. Not kids not dig Walkers, heck we don't even have a homeless person that sleeps on the bench.

Something else that bothers me about the boe.
We have citizens in this town that haven't had a child in the system for 20 years and more! Why are these people still paying through the nose for a wasteful education system designed by a unconstitutional federally design agency? When have people payed they're fair share? Oh I know when. When they can no longer afford to live here because of the ever increasing property tax.

Anonymous said...

I'm reposting this as it was originally a reply post to some ignorant knucklehead. I'm going to add to it right here as an opening statement.
With regards to the boe special election in back in February.
Besides being a shame for when it was held, I wonder if all citizens got their ballots in the mail. Was everyone aware of this election? I think not. Not with less than 5% of registered voters showing up to the polls. Let me give a small example of how this outfit operates. I'm in a home with 5 registered voters. We received 1 ballot in the mail. Are they saving money by limiting 1 ballot to each household? Perhaps. How many 1, 2 and registered voter homes may not have received a ballot at all? An accusation of corruption? Perhaps. But I don't know these people well enough to let them dig sit for me, why should I trust them with anything else?

Oh that's a relief! Only the portion of your property tax bill concerning the boe will go up.
Um you forgot to remind everyone that that portion of the tax bill already exceeds 62% of the property tax. But don't worry, its only a small amount of money. As it was last year, the year before, the year before that and on and on. And next year we'll be told, don't worry its only a small amount of money we can handle it.
Tell us something. How much property does the boe hold? How much of that is actually being used?
Tell us about the underhanded special election that just accrued in February. All the debt we just got sucked into. All because the state was willing to give us money for projects.
Oh thank you state! For giving us OUR money. Makes sense doesn't it? Because someone gives you something you add 3 times the amount of the total, go into debt for most if not all of it and then pay interest on that money over the next 100 years. Oh yea, I know, they'll tell us the loan is for 20 or 30 but some where between now and then they'll rebound it for another 30.
Yea, what's to worry about?
While on the subject of property tax. Why does Monmouth county own 5000 acres 5 square miles of land?
Land that could be collecting tax revenue but in stead, the tax payer has to fund for the purchase and maintenance of all this land. For what? A park system? Hundreds of these acres go unused. Don't allow them to tell you that the lease the property out to farmers. Yes I know they do. But for how much? And the farmers I'm aware of that lease all have political connections.
We don't need all this land. Recently the county took over a portion if the forte. Indoor swimming pool I'm to understand. We have the ocean, lakes, rivers and ponds, but we need a swimming pool. The county has at least 5 golf courses. Probably more than one pool. Nothing more than social Engineering and the soaking up of land from the hands of the private sector.
Middletown it self has 46 little parks. I have one just down the road from me. No one NO ONE is ever in it. Not kids not dig Walkers, heck we don't even have a homeless person that sleeps on the bench.

Something else that bothers me about the boe.
We have citizens in this town that haven't had a child in the system for 20 years and more! Why are these people still paying through the nose for a wasteful education system designed by a unconstitutional federally design agency? When have people payed they're fair share? Oh I know when. When they can no longer afford to live here because of the ever increasing property