Friday, April 4, 2014

March in the Middletown 350 Parade June 21st!

From Middletown Alerts:

Get your walking shoes ready for the Middletown 350 Parade and Time Capsule Celebration on Saturday June 21st. Community and school groups, families and located businesses are invited to participate in this very special parade designed to celebrate the township’s founding 350 years ago in 1664.

The parade begins at 11 am at High School North on Tindall Road and ends at the Middletown Arts Center where the Time Capsule Celebration will be held. The free celebration include entertainment, food vendors, family activities and of course burial, of course burial of Middletown time capsule on the Arts Center's grounds. The 50-year time capsule will be surrounded by an "Anniversary Plaza" designed with personalized bricks that are being sold by the Middletown Arts Center and will be installed later this year.

Pre-registration is required to participate in the parade. Participation for community groups, schools, families is free. There is a $50 participation fee for businesses. Online registration begins tomorrow, via our Community Pass website: For more information or questions, please call 732-615-2260.


Anonymous said...

I guess the traffic on Rt. 35 will be heavy that day. Other routes would be better suited, like starting at Sears or even Thompson School.

Anonymous said...

First they stop us from going to work by jamming up the GW Bridge. Now they will stop us from doing our weekly shopping by jamming up Rt. 35.

Anonymous said...

Does the DOT know that Middletown plans to shut down a State Highway to allow community groups, schools, families and businesses to parade across it? Sounds like the republicans are planning another traffic jam!

Anonymous said...

The shut down won't be the first time. There was a parade along #35 for the bi-cenntinal and it was a long long one. I think it started around sears and went past town hall and where it ended?? I remember it well because my daughter marched with the brownies and my son with the little league.