(Trenton) -- Today, after Governor Christie's so-called town hall meeting in Fairfield, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee Chairman asked the governor to reimburse the state taxpayers for the rising costs of his political endeavors.
Specifically, Currie does not believe that any of the costs for the sexist "whitewash" compiled by loyal, hand-picked lawyers should be borne by state taxpayers.
Governor Christie's town halls are more political theater than substantive discussion, as the governor uses the platform to take cheap shots at the Democratic Party-controlled legislature. And, despite increased scrutiny concerning the scandals the Christie administration created, the governor's campaign-related activities for other Republicans have been more frequent and his willingness to speak to the media have become less frequent.
"The governor has turned the town hall meeting into a political farce: one part stump speech, one part comedy routine. Christie's remarks last one third of the allotted time, and he often dismisses the most reasonable critics. He also eagerly disparages Democratic lawmakers. What he will not do is address legitimate questions about how public resources were abused by government officials," said Chairman Currie.
Currie continued, "From the 24 million dollar special election last Fall to the recent taxpayer-funded Bridgegate whitewash, the governor needs to stop using the state treasury like an ATM to pay for his attempted political rehabilitation. At a minimum, the Christie campaign apparatus should reimburse taxpayers for his silly self-exam. Why should we pay for these activities? If the governor were serious about tackling public concerns, he would cooperate with the State Legislature's investigation, and stop blaming others for his mistakes."
Recent news reports and editorials have also highlighted the inappropriate political activities that public employees in the Christie administration have engaged in during the governmental work day.
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