Thursday, April 3, 2014
An Open Letter to Trinity Hall Mothers
Trinity Hall Mothers:
Your pursuit of this school development in Middletown is an immoral one.
Every parent wants to give their children the best possible education and opportunities. But, knowingly putting other children at dramatically increased risk of death and injury for your children’s benefit is repugnant.
Trinity Hall will bring with it a significant increase in death and injuries to our community due to the increase in commercial traffic, which includes heavy commercial vehicles, buses, as well as a never before seen volume of teen-aged drivers.
This is a fact. If this project were to come to fruition, our children will be put in significantly increased risk of death and injury from bus and automobile accidents, both during and post construction.
Trinity Hall Mothers, how do you rationalize that what you are attempting has any moral underpinnings?
You know of the exponential increased risks to our children, and yet you continue to engage in biased and blind group-think, trying, but failing, to project that you are simply and innocently trying to improve your children’s station in life.
How can you look a Middletown mother in the face, and project the facade that what you are doing is just? If you told your children the truth, they would have the moral sense to tell you to stop pursuing this project.
Of course this is not just or moral.
You are strangers and interlopers with money. This is coupled with a myopic zeal to get what you want at all costs. These costs include the very fabric of our community, and the lives of our children.
There is still time. I have spoken to some of the Trinity Mothers privately and their private views are very different than those they express when under the heavy cloak of pressure in their larger group.
If you are a Trinity Mother, take some time reflect on the reality of what you are pursuing.
You will realize that you have not considered the human toll to our community for years to come.
You will realize that you can have what you want for your children, without sacrificing our children.
You have other properties to buy, which will satisfy your children’s educational needs.
To be pursuing this project in the name of being good mothers, knowing full well that our children will be paying a physical price, and our community will lose so much, is one of the greatest self-justifications I have ever encountered.
Christopher R. Whalen
Concerned Parent and Chapel Hill Resident
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What self serving drivel!
You want a landowner to leave their property undeveloped in order to "preserve" your own quality of life, not for any safety issue.
Chapel Hill Road may well end up being widened if needed, and then you will be opposed to THAT too, because it will require residents to give up parts of their property to make the road safer...
Do you really believe anybody will buy this bullshot?
Gee, dear, did you know that the Trins are currently on space that's designated as part of the state's Green Acres program, and that if it had not been preserved, they'd have no place to go here? Not that I think that's bad, since I don't want them here in the first place.
And did you know their rent is going to the program to support the other properties being preserved in the state to protect land from being over-developed, so that we can preserve the quality of life for the next generations?
Here's a link, educate yourself.
Oh, and speaking of quality of life (oooh there's that term again!) do you have an Advanced Directive? Do you go to the doctor? Have you heard of Obamacare? Guess what, this whole COUNTRY as of 3/31/2014 is supposed to have raised its quality of life standard by making affordable healthcare available to
everyone here.
It's Brave New World, darling, but I guess you're too busy being stuck in traffic to notice.
So much easier to be a part of the Anonymous family isn't it? Or did your momma not know your daddy?
As usual, The Trinity Mothers avoid the safety issues I raise. You have no idea what my concerns are. But I want you to try to pay attention and stick to the issue I raise if you can. So, you brave anonymous person, my points about increased death and injury are facts. Anonymously Yours, Chris Whalen.
There's a difference between raising EVERYONE's quality of life and protecting the perks for the few...
But that's not the issue. The issue is that a landowner can -- within regulation -- build whatever they want on their own land.
You want your "open space" preserved? Buy it, outbid Trinity for it.
Otherwise the school will be built, despite your attempt to paint a picture of a future where there are hundreds of deaths per year on Chapel Hill Road.
Stop playing juvenile games and at least admit that you're just mad that the free park you've had for years is going away...
Calling me names isn't going to change the fact that you are not going to win this...
Anonymous...Not once did Mr. Whalen say "open space." You are only hearing what you want to hear. The only drivel is from you- trying to tell use that adding 250 teenage drivers to a windy, narrow road will somehow make it safer. Please. There are hundreds and hundreds opposing this and we are not going away.
Dear Anonymous;
I believe that everyone is entitled to THEIR opinion. However, considering the safety issue's raised here, I don't believe you should walk all over comments with your negative attitude. Chapel Hill
Road is dangerous, would you like the residents to "outbid" the township so that the road may be repaired? As for our "park" the property is private and as you may or may not be aware to use it as our "park" would be trespassing. Do you live in Middletown? What is driving you to continually attack an opinion from a concerned citizen? Are you having a bad day? Who are you to say that what we are doing is "juvenile" - I beg to differ, it seems that your NASTINESS may be caused by your unhappiness. I think if you would not be afraid to identify yourself, your self-serving dribble might actually accomplish something - for instance, you could send in your JEALOUS nonsense to "Hints from Heloise" and call the topic, "I PREFER TO BE ANONYMOUS AND VOICE MY OPINION BECAUSE I LIKE TO RIP OTHER PEOPLE APART AND NOT LET ANYONE KNOW WHO I AM." Why are you so against people trying to protect the safety of others? Why are you filled with so much hate? Why is this bothering you so much? Is it because we have joined together and work together? Can you Mr. / Mrs. Anonymous try to change your attitude just a little bit and focus on what's important in YOUR life. Lisa J.
Did anyone attend Middletown's last budget meeting? I did. The town does not have the money to improve or widen the road.
The township doesn't have the money. Then it totally makes sense to put in a huge school that will NOT pay taxes............
Hey Anonymous, again I ask you to post your name. Come out of the closet and let us know who you are. I love you people and the whole Anonymous family who seems to think we should outbid the Trins for the land. How about we just make sure you don't get it, and you just don't worry your pretty little Anonymous head about how we do that?
Oh, and uh, I guess you can't read either. There are no trespassing signs up all over the place, so how can we "play" on that space--OH WAIT!! Maybe you don't travel down that road? Hmmm well then, you don't have to worry about what dropping this behemoth will have on Chapel Hill, hence your utter embrace of what is really, just so wrong.
One of the big concern and a even bigger problem is the widening of Chapel Hill Road. Has any body taken a real good look at CHR. from #35 to sleepy hallow road. The house along that part of CHR are very close to the road and what about the cemeteries along both sides. Ask yourself after a long costly legal battle from those home owners and another costly battle over moving a couple hundred graves., where are they going to get the $$$$$$ to build the school??
The letter is way over the top and appears to be confusing "facts" with opinions.
agree 11:26
I find it pathetic that the residents of the area resort to such nonsense and outright lies. These residents and opponents of Trinity Hall make me want to support the building of the school.
Well you would be in good company with all your lovely Anonymous rellies. Funny, if you didn't support the school you'd be going against the rest of the Anons. Probably not good, considering the weather is getting nicer, and family events for the Anons, I'm sure, are coming up.
Have a fab day!!
It saddens me to read this article. To call the mothers of Trinity Hall Immoral is ludicrous and unsubstantiated. First of all there are approximately 40 students at Trinity Hall. This number will double next year and again the year after that. It will take many years to get to the maximum of about 400 students. Traffic studies have been done and trinity Hall will due all possible to ensure the safety of your neighborhood as well as your precious children. One of the founders and mothers of Trinity Hall is the mother of six children who lost one of her children suddenly to a virus, and knows all too well the pain of losing a child and would never want to put another child in harms way. this mother's son is buried at the cemetery on Chapel Hill road. This mother has driven the roads of your quaint neighborhood on her many trips to the cemetery and is very familiar with the area. This mother along with the rest of the Trinity Hall team researched many areas to build their school and found this place to be the most appropriate. As for the comments about the founders using their money to get what they want is also so far from the truth. They would give every dime away to have their son back. That is why they give there money away every year in the form of scholarships for students who could not afford private secondary education. why do you have to begrudge them anything because they are successful? The founders all came from very modest back rounds and worked hard in school to become successful. So I ask who is being Immoral? Trinity has agreed to pay taxes, agreed to pay for the widening of the roads and will work with the Middletown residents to alleviate any concerns in regards to water run off. No one gives Trinity Hall a chance to speak but residents continue to spread lies. As for the safety issues School speed limits are 25 miles per hour. How could this be more unsafe than the speeding that is done currently on that road. Is it really your poor children and neighborhood that you are worried about or is it the fact that your private speedway will now be regulated. Ask yourself honestly who is being immoral? What is really your motive?
There is another mother's son. A son who died on a tree along Chapel Hill Road when he careened out of control late one Spring night. The tree is a memorial to his life, and is visited by his family every week since his death. You would think such a particularly sensitive family to such a particularly sensitive issue would understand. Instead, they plan to put the entrance to their school there, uprooting the tree that means so much to this family. Makes you wonder doesn't it? And I can tell you, that family would give every dime of their money not to have to deal with whatever is going to happen to the tree where their son lost his life. Did any of you think about that, or are you basically used to moving whatever you need to out of your way to get what you want, like the Crossroads rehab? That mother's son doesn't have the money to erect a park in their son's honor. But yours does. And then some. All she has is where you want to put your school.
And your statement about how it's going to take "many years" for them to build up to 400 students is reprehensible. We will have to live every day, every day, with a virtually empty building. How is that fair? And 40 students, really? For a 9th grade class, isn't that a large teacher-student ratio? Should there really only be about 26 kids, which is what the public schools average per class. Doesn't sound like a quality education to me. The existing parochial schools, who are truly Catholic, and provide a true church-based education, which Trinity will not, are here and ready to take on your girls, without any disruptions or issues to the surrounding neighborhoods. Guess that's not good enough for you, is it, good Christians that you are.
This is fun. A silly, uninformed mother spewing nonsense and getting everyone in a top spin. A pursuit in putting a private girls school in a beautiful town on a vacant, windy road is IMMORAL....Has anyone looked up the definition of Immoral? Her FACTS to back this up are 'the dramatically increased death rate and injury' of students who can drive the any road in NJ (parkway, turnpike) but the highly dangerous Chapel Hill? Pretty silly, as not even close to a fact. This sounds like an envious mother who cannot place her children in a private school and simply groups the Trinity Hall Moms as 'Strangers and interlopers with money'. If knuckleheads like this were allowed their own way then we would not be able to develop any available land in this congested state. So, as someone who has 3 boys and a girl in private school in Middletown I would welcome an all girls private school, and I do not see in any way, shape or form the 'human toll to our community for years to come'. I'm not a 'fan' of the public schools in town but I pay $11,000 year in taxes to educate your children. You're welcome.
Perhaps Christopher Whalen would have benefitted from a private school education himself. He would have learned the definitions of these very difficult words: Immoral, facts, moral sense. Thanks for posting this letter Mike. I previously had no opinion, but now I'm definitely for the private, girls, secondary school on Chapel Hill!
Oh, and school speed limits are only 25 MPH when school is in session. Were you foolish enough to think that speed limit holds true 24/7? You are incorrect if you do.
Do you have teenagers who drive Emma? They are, notoriously, the ones who use that road as a "private speedway" and guess what? The fact that a school that caters to teenagers will be located on that stretch of road only increases 10-fold the number of accidents that will occur there.
Our local politicians are positively bedazzled by deep pockets of any kind. The particular deep pockets involved in this venture like to use the word "Patriot" and give overwhelmingly to Republican candidates.
Don't like how the citizens of Middletown are repeatedly sold down the river? Show up and vote. So many people fail to vote that YOUR votes will make a huge impact. You need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. When people wake up, good things happen.
Could you imagine if we dis-allowed any future building endeavors because someone perished on the block, by a tree, near an entrace,in the vicinity?? There would be no space available ever! Does that family own the tree that that the Memorial is at? This is preposterous!
I will say again what I have said on the patch, all these parents that are so concerned about the traffic should really be homeschooling their children because their kids going to school in SOMEONE else's neighborhood creates traffic in that neighborhood. But I guess that's ok because it's not their neighborhood, it's someone else that has to deal with it. Put your money where your mouth and keep your kid in your house so that you don't add to the traffic situation in another neighborhood.
I don't understand why the forces behind this project are in a lather over the neighborhood's opposition. After all, their money WILL buy them the influence and the land. So why do you even bother with your public relations campaign? Is it so important to you that your project be loved?
Telling Middletown taxpayers that sending their children to one of the town's public schools (open to all regardless of income) is the equivalent of building an exclusive and expensive girl's school that caters to a narrow clientele in Middletown and the surrounding area is really a bit much, don't you think?
Margie- I think you are misunderstanding the "class size" with enrollment per grade.. 40 students is for the whole grade right now. Not per section or actual subject class. so with the current class we are talking 80 students nest year in total for the whole school and the school will add another class per year. Public school has 26 per class, but anywhere from 200-500 students enrolled per grade.
ed d
The area's residents are grasping at straws here. Nothing they've said has swayed anyone's view. I would say they do more harm than good for their cause with the over the top nonsense.
anon true
I'm not really sure how you sleep at night. I guess you are a control freak who wants to get her own way and project those feelings onto others stating they just want to use their money to get what they want. You even go so far to use the tragic death of a Middletown resident as amunition. you must not actually know the family or the facts!! The Piano family who lost their so so tragically has been in touch with the founders who have already pledged to work with this family regarding "the Tree" and they are Trinity Hall supporters. This once again shows how sensitive and willing Trinity Hall is to work with the community, and shows your lack of sensitivity to a situation by using someones tragedy to strengthen your argument. Your constant attack on the school and what it represents is repugnant. As for the speeding and teenage drivers contrary to what you think of the privileged students of Trinity Hall, fifty percent of the students are on financial aid. So if they need to utilize financial aid services, I highly doubt they will be driving their own cars to Trinity in Three years when they are seniors and old enough to drive. To the people who like to attack the anonymous writers know that they use anonymity because they fear for themselves their children and their businesses because it seems you opposers will stop at nothing to get your way including using scare tactics. Please! Immoral ! Final judgement will come one day
I'm not really sure how you sleep at night. I guess you are a control freak who wants to get her own way and project those feelings onto others stating they just want to use their money to get what they want. You even go so far to use the tragic death of a Middletown resident as amunition. you must not actually know the family or the facts!! The Piano family who lost their so so tragically has been in touch with the founders who have already pledged to work with this family regarding "the Tree" and they are Trinity Hall supporters. This once again shows how sensitive and willing Trinity Hall is to work with the community, and shows your lack of sensitivity to a situation by using someones tragedy to strengthen your argument. Your constant attack on the school and what it represents is repugnant. As for the speeding and teenage drivers contrary to what you think of the privileged students of Trinity Hall, fifty percent of the students are on financial aid. So if they need to utilize financial aid services, I highly doubt they will be driving their own cars to Trinity in Three years when they are seniors and old enough to drive. To the people who like to attack the anonymous writers know that they use anonymity because they fear for themselves their children and their businesses because it seems you opposers will stop at nothing to get your way including using scare tactics. Please! Immoral ! Final judgement will come one day
Also the continued voicing about moving the rehab is really a bad argument. Do the people who oppose TH really think that the school should pay rent for the building and continue to operate a rehab facility in the space???Really? and its not that it is a rehab its the fact that a school should be somewhat closed to non students for security sake and having any business, or public use in the same building as the school could endanger the students. Would you want a rehab to share the building with the public school? I think not.
She sleeps at night because she believes in her convictions. And I agree with her: a high school doesn't belong up there on Chapel Hill Road. It's a stupid place to put it.
Anon 5:16- what incredible arrogance you display.
The rehab was there BEFORE your private school and served ALL the people of the township. You don't want a rehab near private school students, but don't give a damn if it's near our public schools in Lincroft or other parts of Middletown. Crossroads can't compete with the big money backing Trinity, but it at least serves everyone in the township. You really do reveal the type of "charitable" instincts that are behind this school.
As to the assertions of "reaching out" and other "noblesse oblige"....spare us. This is a vanity project, borne of too much money and spineless, greedy politicians. And is there anything more laughable than the deep pocket at Goldman Sachs asking how anyone else sleeps?
I'm done with this banter It seems someone has a personal vendetta?? keep grasping for straws with your personal attacks.
why do people keep attacking our town's politicians as they have no control, nothing to gain, and no say in this? Do people realize that the zoning and approval process are highly regulated?
I have no affiliation with any party on this, its a shame both sides are ripping each other apart about this. If the opposition has problems with the school they are more than entitled to voice opinions. Stating inaccurate facts is not helpful. As far as the supporters of the school, they cannot expect people not to offer some opposition. No one would ever say "I want that undeveloped land next to me to be developed into a school". But the opposition has to realize that there are much worse alternatives.. The passion on both sides is evident, but calling out TH mothers like they are morally doing something wrong is ludicrous. Name calling to the opposition from TH supporters is counterproductive. If the opposition has a problem with the school it is not the school's fault. If the opposition to the school has a problem with rehab being moved then blame the town administrators not the school. vote them out then. But throwing insults to TH supporters about immorality etc is stupid. also the arguments about catholic diocese approval is irrelevant to the development of the school. There is a market for an all girls private school. The one fact that I do know is that the school is not just for economically advantaged families. Tuition does not seem to be an obstacle to a student enrolling.
The people that live and pay taxes in Middletown have the right and the obligation to voice their objections when a project of this magnitude is being dropped on their doorstep. It is the supporters of this project who have turned this into something personal. Why is it relevant and anyone's business to know that one of the backers lost her son?
Since the supporters have seen fit to make this part of the debate, it is easier to understand that the family is overprotective of their remaining children. This is a well-established psychological reaction to such a loss. But in this case, the backers of this business have the means to find another way of achieving their goals. For everyone's sake, let's hope they do.
I find it interesting that the one who started this debate remains quiet as it rages on. Says a lot about character.
anon 3:01
The supporters made this personal? Surely you jest here. The actions and lies by the residents make me sick and because of this, I am supporting the school. Oh and I live in an area that will be affected by this
I agree with anon 1;59. the personal attacks against the supporters of the school and the founders is shameful. opposition and honest debate are one thing, name calling and the clichés should not be part of the debate.
to all the opposition of TH who have taken to personal attacks on the founders I would ask you..
why aren't you doing more to fix the supposed traffic issue before this? if you had gone after that with as much zeal as your opposition to the school you might have gotten somewhere on the issue. are you doing things for the community like improving a public park and providing scholarships to those in need? before you personally attack them have you actually done research on all of the good things they have done? if these are the acts of people who are vane and ego driven as you call it you need a reeducation on what those words actually mean. pathetic attempts to paint them as elitists is so off base. you do not know what you are talking about.
Re. Anon 8:43 -Oh brother, where to begin. Regarding your challenge to the residents of Chapel Hill – “ are you doing things like improving public park and providing scholarships to those in need?” Uh no, because the people that live in the area and who will be affected by this school aren’t millionaires, or they would be living in Rumson like the backers.
And your question- “have you actually done research on all the good things they have done?” Wouldn’t that be getting down to “the personal” that the school’s supporters are complaining about? But since you insist - a quick google search will reveal that the park project you speak of was actually initiated by their fellow Rumsonite, the late John Mulheren of insider trading and “Den of Thieves” fame. What does any of that prove other than that Rumsonites have a lot of money to donate and that we have a tax code that encourages it?
It really is baffling why the school supporters accuse the residents of “getting personal” while challenging them to dig into the past of the people who are backing this.
It is really sad that this has gotten this low. Ok you guys oppose the building of a school in your area that is fine. It is just really horrible that you are generalizing and lumping all rumsonites into a category such as this. I assure you if you google the backers you will find nothing shameful or dishonest. Bringing up the late John Mulheren just opened up a huge legal dilemma for the anonymous person who just posted that. Just know that the moderators know who you are. John Mulherin and the backers have nothing to do with each other. And for the record I am not a Rumsonite.Also the only thing me as a supporter has with bringing up personal things, are personal ethic attacks that are completely unfounded. This last post will be trouble for all of the opposition. Defamation of character is illegal!
When all smoke of the fake issues and pretend "outrage" is set aside, it comes down to this: Does this application to the Planning Board meet all of the zoning and other statutory requirements, is it a permitted use?
If the answer to that is "yes" - and I think it is - the Planning Board will have to approve this plan, and construction will go forward.
Ultimately this school will be built, and I think that, in time, most of the neighbors will see it as a good thing.
Enough with the lies. Enough with the character assassination. Enough with the fake concern for "endangered wildlife" and faux concern for the "many deaths" the school will cause. Y'all are just making yourselves look silly.
how does the memory of the late John Mulherin get dragged into this????? now you know they are desperate. The man passed away years ago, no affiliation with the school or the founders. not to mention that they just slandered JM.
I am looking forward to sending my daughters there
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