Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The New Politics of Racism in Suburban New Jersey, Pt. 4 : Middletown's Borg Mentality

Crossed posted from The Purcell Chronicles

By Rev. Jim Purcell, MPS, CPSP1 (Ret.)

Strictly in theory, the Middletown Township Committee has to vote as a body on things like who will be named to what position, if a body will be created or disbanded as an advisory group or any other kind of group affiliated with the municipal government, among other things.
In reality, though, GOP committee people do not express individual leadership skills and vote as a small herd. It is less the Round Table, so to speak, than it is the Borg, of Star Trek: The Next Generation fame.
I have already been asked why I do not include discussion of the democracy and 'one-member-one-vote' nature of the committee more heavily when discussing the governing body and its decisions relative to the controversy about the abolishment of the Middletown Human Rights Commission. This is because such 'democracy' by the committee is in theory and ceremony only. The real power behind such votes are not even the mayor, past or present, associated with the town through the course of time, but the Republican Machine that has controlled the community for the past 40 years.
In fairness, members of the Republican Party in Middletown Township who serve on the governing body do have opportunities in office to express their ideas, from what I can tell after years of covering the town. However, these expressions are more private at first, certainly not 'off the cuff' ever or without prior consultation with the town GOP's Political Machine. GOP office holders in Middletown row their oars in the same direction and no one plays as an individual in the political game -- and benefits from that organization.
Yet, this is not how a government organized under the Government of the United States is supposed to operate -- doing things the way they are done in Middletown laughs in the face of the American system of rule within its own borders, in my opinion.
Well, the core with this, of course, is that no political party is supposed to run any town or community in the United States of America -- yes, their candidates/officer-holders do but the darn political party is supposed to have nothing to say. This is where Middletown takes a 'hard right turn into crazy.' The idea that the electorate votes and sends cardboard cut-outs instead of bona fide representatives of the people's will to a governing body, which then gives license to any measure brought by the town's GOP Political Machine, which is led by several attorneys that are paid by the township for various services, is ridiculous and goes on every single day in Middletown.
This is not the first place I have stated that the leadership of the Middletown Republicans have historically been involved with overseeing governmental borrowing for his Newark law firm for several decades now. This must be legal, or else law enforcement would have been involved in this years ago, but it nonetheless smells as bad as Johnny On The Spot after a day at the circus.
The Middletown Committee is not, historically, a group of independent-minded people looking to do local government as much as they are a collection of the hopeful and ambitious seeking to be helped in careers and futures by the Middletown GOP, which is the most influential community politically in the county -- and one of the most influential in the state. In addition, so many state legislators and officials hail from Middletown it seems being closely aligned to the Middletown GOP can often lead to advancement in the ranks of politics or professions (particularly law or engineering).
Where does all this arrive where it involves bias? Not just of race but certainly that too. Its collected excesses have made Middletown one of the last all-White gated communities in New Jersey, if not the Industrial North East, intent on not allowing diversity or thoughts other than those in the 'group speak' of a small ring of influential, anonymous attorneys who are the real force behind the community's governance; not the committee people -- not the elected representatives of the people.
However, Middletown stoics, intent on never giving sway to the laws that govern the rest of the land, or the diversity that is so present nearly everywhere else in the Garden State, cannot win forever and, one fine day, this government will have to join the rest of the world.
Does all this make the elected and non-elected politicians of Middletown racist? Well, after much consideration, the community is 93 percent White -- and that is the proof in the pudding, isn't it? If race were not one of the single-most important issues to the powers that be there, how would the town have otherwise acquired a Native American population that is many times over the number of residents in town....
Continue reading

Rev. Purcell was licensed to preach at Stelton Baptist Church, in Edison, NJ, in 2007. He is a graduate of the New York Theological Seminary, in New York City, and Capital Health's Clinical Pastoral Education Program, in Trenton, New Jersey. Rev. Purcell is the former Editor and Publisher of the late Courier newspaper, in Middletown, New Jersey (1998-2009); and is a former correspondent for The Star-Ledger, Jersey Journal and North Jersey Newspapers, among others. During his tenure in the U.S. Army, Rev. Purcell earned the rank of Sergeant and served as an Intelligence Analyst and Infantry Squad Leader, respectively, in Airborne and non-Airborne assignments.

Read Rev. Purcell's other articles in his series on the Politics In Racism on his blog, "The Purcell Chronicles":

The New Politics of Racism in Suburban New Jersey, Pt. 1: Preface
The New Politics of Racism in Suburban New Jersey, Pt. 2: Middletown and the facts
The New Politics of Racism in Suburban New Jersey, Pt. 3: The Dismemberment of the Middletown Human Rights Committee


Anonymous said...

This is all just BS!

This guy gives his opinion (which he has done for several posts now) and gives absolutely nothing to back it up.

On his own blog he doesn't allow comments because he doesn't want to have to answer to anyone.

What a blowhard!!!

Anonymous said...

NO ANON 8 :06,

Jim Purcell is NOT A blowhard.

He speaks the absolute TRUTH !!!!

If you don't like the TRUTH ,and these flawed bastards in control of government in Middletown don't like being exposed, CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR !

The world is watching !

Ever hear of the "peter principal" ?

These bastards have risen to their level of incompetence !!!

Anonymous said...

OMG are you insane? What a load of nonsense 6.36

Anonymous said...


IF not look it up and then reconsider who is insane. , Conduct of your " leaders" at the recent TC meeting will confirm the insanity in that room on 3/17/14 !!!

Anonymous said...

yeah ok....lmao

Anonymous said...

Good that the article starts with "Strictly Theory" because that is all this wraps up to be! Middletown Democrats are nothing but whinny, pessimistic conspiracy theorists. Just because a TC member votes in a different way you would doesn't mean they are just means your not in charge.

You got the list of people on the health roles, we haven't heard anything else about that, so what are you doing with it? Is there some big story that you are waiting for election season to unleash or was there nothing worth reporting about in there?
Either way your lack of follow up is keeping us all on our toes.

Anonymous said...

Really the only "action" this blowhard claims to see on the part of the town of Middletown is the opposition to COAH requirements.

But that's a red herring anyway, because the town meets it's COAH requirements and is far from the only town in the state to fight them.

That opposition really amounts to "NIMBY," which makes me confused about Mike and his cohorts position here.

They are anti-NIMBY here, and they are anti-NIMBY when it comes to the Avaya site, but support the NIMBY drive by the Chapel Hill folks.

Could it be that Mike is just a political opportunist?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:22 and Anon 1:07 ( probably one and the same)

Truth is that the town of Middletown and it's politics under the current bunch of punks that are serving is hardly any example democracy at work !

Don't like that opinion or the opinions of Jim Purcell ,why don't you just take yourself over to your buddy, Art's, blog where your opinions might coincide more with that readership.

We all think you are missing a couple of links !

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:22 and Anon 1:07 ( probably one and the same)

Truth is that the town of Middletown and it's politics under the current bunch of punks that are serving is hardly any example of democracy at work !

Don't like that opinion or the opinions of Jim Purcell ,why don't you just take yourself over to your buddy, Art's, blog where your opinions might coincide more with that readership.

We all think you are missing a couple of links !