Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 17, 2014 Middletown Township Committee Meeting: Bully Tactics From The Dais

Last weeks meeting of the Middletown Township Committee was yet another example of how NOT to conduct yourself  from the dais.

During the public hearing for the Ordinance 2014-3104 - Dissolving the Middletown Human Right's Commission - the conduct of Mayor Stephanie Murray and Committeeman Tony Fiore was reprehensible. You will see what I'm talking about starting at the 34:28 mark of the video. If was at this point during the public hearing on the ordinance that former Chairperson of the Middletown Human Rights Commission, Carolyn Schwebel was rudely and unprofessionally interrupted by both Murray and Fiore while commenting on the ordinance because they didn't care to hear what she had to say in defense of the Middletown Human Rights Commission and why it shouldn't be dissolved. Murray and Fiore each badgered Schwebel into silence. At one point during the badgering, Tony Fiore actually called her a bully for the way that she lead and used the Human Rights Commission for some kind of personal, political vendetta against the Township Committee.

When her husband John Schwebel spoke immediately after he was also cut off and not allowed to fully speak his mind. It was a travesty.

Regardless of whether or not you agree or disagree with the conduct of those on the dais or those who spoke on behalf of the Middletown Human Rights Commission, Carolyn Schwebel and others had the unequivocal right to be heard.Those on the dais should not have interrupted. During a public hearing on an ordinance, unlike a person who wishes to speak during the public comments portion of the meeting, the Township Committee has no time restraints on those who wish to speak. And calling people names from the dais is unacceptable on so many levels, Fiore and others need to apologize.

Committee Comments are at the 48:00 mark of the video and Public Comments (with it's 5 minute speaking limit) starts at 1:07:00

As always, you can download a copy of the meeting agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars.


Anonymous said...

Good for the Township Committee. Based on the letter that was read this woman clearly is a bully.

Anonymous said...

This woman has a right to be heard !!!!!!!

The resolution to dissolve the Human Rights Commission is OBSCENE in 2014 but of course those on that dais in Middletown KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT DEMOCRACY !!!!!!!!

These characters are a DISGRACE and so is the excuse for legal representation for the residents of this town .

This whole fiasco has nothing but overtones of hatred toward Carolyn and John Schwebel and ANYONE else who disagrees with that group of hoodlums serving today on that dais.
They know NO SHAME !

Linda Baum said...

Anon 7:18, that's ridiculous. To have a real conversation & to dispel falsehood that is set forth in a legal document as the township has done, the enforcement of a 5-minute rule means that it takes multiple public attendees to address the issues. That is all Dr. Schwebel was saying in her letter, and it is completely true.

And, btw, that 5 minute limit is not appropriate for hearings, and law may not support it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:18,
There is nothing in the letter that remotely resembles bullying. A careful viewing of the video shows that the majority of bullying is coming from Mr. Fiore and from Mayor Murray -- both reminiscent of Governor Christie approach to running town hall meetings and state government. The rest of the township committee manage to add their voices to the duet of Murray and Fiore, which creates a chorus gang of elected representatives trying to suppress the words of an citizen actively participating in the democratic process. The only bullying appears to be coming from the members of the township committee -- they come across like a bunch of school yard children trying to intimidate a citizen who is exercising her right to speak without being interrupted. The ordinance is a bogus, inaccurate and poorly constructed document.
Mayor Murray also needs to learn and understand the rules of order governing the committee, such as there is no time limit placed on the public when discussing an ordinance and she needs to learn how to control the meeting without lashing out at the public and making comments about how "tired" she is of dealing with and being bullied by the public. Although, it is not uncommon for those with a political, or hidden, agenda to accuse others of the very action that they themselves engage in and promote.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean that the letter was bullying? She was just asking like -minded friends for support as all the politicians do.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Murray should RESIGN and go back to writing racy novels or baking cookies !

No one will even know she"s gone and good riddance . Already we are sick to death of her bullying tactics and inept form of governing. She's nothing more than another one of the chairman's "loyal soldiers".

Anonymous said...

Good lord, is this actually the governing body of a municipality? Did I actually hear Stephanie Murray accuse a member of the public of BULLYING the township committee?

Clearly our politically ambitious mayor has no grasp of the meaning of the word as her ambition outstrips her intellect. Perhaps when she is through helping push through this Trinity School project she can teach the girls a lesson about the Whore of Babylon and the Beast with Seven Heads, though our little township manages to wreak havoc with only five!

Anonymous said...

The mayor sat quietly and listened to Schwebel but she continued to talk when the mayor spoke, seems like the disrespect was on Schwebel not the mayor. That's the only rude thing I see here.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55,

You need to make an appointment with your eye physician !!!

There are non so blind as those who do not wish to see !!

Anonymous said...

The public is allowed 5 minutes to speak. When the elected officials interrupt the public, they lose out on their time. The elected officials get to speak as long as they want and should allow the public their 5 minutes. Unless the public offers to yield their portion, it should belong to them.

Anonymous said...

Please note above comment regarding speaker time limits on hearings and whether the 5 minute rule would even be legal.

This lawyer is useless and only another politician

Anonymous said...

How many residents of Middletown spoke against the ordinance dissolving the commission?

I counted two: Ms. Schwebel and her husband.

Seems this wasn't that big of an issue to the citizens, huh?

Anonymous said...

How many residents of Middletown spoke against the ordinance dissolving the commission?

I counted two: Ms. Schwebel and her husband.

Seems this wasn't that big of an issue to the citizens, huh?

Anonymous said...

There were two more speakers against the ordinance, from the Monmouth County Human Relations Commission. One read a strong letter from that commission not to destroy the Middletown HRC.

Also the mayor screamed at Schwebel; both she and Fiore defamed Schwebel with lying assumptions.

Anonymous said...

Two women preceded Dr. Schwebel and her husband to speak and oppose the ordinance.

The public does not attend TC meetings in this town....It's a waste of time to go to meetings of a "kangaroo court" ! and that's what government has become in Middletown. Not a thing democratic about procedures in that courtroom at 1 Kings Highway twice a month....not a thing !!

The bullies rule !

Anonymous said...

The others who spoke were NOT Middletown residents. Their opinion was interesting, but not really relevant, because this now dissolved commission was supposed to be working for the citizens of Middletown. Clearly the citizens wo didn't come out agreed with the decision of their elected officials to get rid of this unhelpful and useless board.

As far as the idea that "citizens don't come out to meetings in Middletown," I guess they don't come out to vote either as you see it, right?


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:12p.m.,

When are going to learn that most of the people reading this blog have no use for YOU or your opinions because you are one of those self serving,ignorant, AH republicans in this town.

A bully like the rest of them !!!!!

Hard to have respect for government in this town that has no respect and shows no respect for the people who live here !!!!

The bullying idiots like to talk to themselves most of the time!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:29

What are you talking about? I am one of the six or seven people who do read this blog...

But, of course, you can't respond with facts like I did.

FACT: No one Middletown citizen other than the Schwebels spoke in favor of the former commission.

FACT: Middletown residents can and do attend meetings when they have a reason to attend.

FACT: Despite your assertions that they don't "trust" the TC,or are "disgusted" by them, the voters in Middletown have continued to vote for the members of the TC and have kept the town run by the GOP for more than a generation now.

I know you don't like that, but please, try discussing facts and not simply your opinion...

Anonymous said...

7:50 a.m. ANON,

You only like to hear yourself talk and the only opinion YOU hear is your own !

People in Middletown DO NOT ATTEND meetings because many will not subject themselves to the blatant disregard and disrespect the TC displays for the citizens of this town. Especially anyone who does not agree with them or anyone who has an issue with their conduct.

Inthe year 2014, to dissolve the Human Rights Commission is an outrageous act against ALL of the residents here. WHAT DOES THIS TC FEAR FROM IT"S RESIDENTS ?????? AND WHAT IS IT HIDING ?????

"Cheerleader" you need a few good lessons in history. Your ignorance is astounding !!!

Stop trying to BULLY everyone who DOES NOT AGREE with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm not bullying anybody...

I kind of think bringing outsiders into a Middletown Township Committee meeting to speak for your cause is bullying...

But, of course you have the right to your opinion, no matter how demonstrably wrong you are...


Anonymous said...

When anyone does not share your opinion and sees the conduct of the Middletown TC differently than you do,anon 6:08, you bully them and try to make it a political is clear you are one of the republicans in this town.
So be it but understand something....there are many people, many unaffiliated,many democrats and even republicans that do not agree with this current crop serving in this township. We all value democracy and there is nothing democratic to be said for government in Middletown for over the last decade or so.

Don't like that opinion, fine, but each of us who disagrees with you,has the right to do so and it is not necessary to defend that position.

The political climate in this town stinks to high heaven and it will until we have a TC that serves all of the people and that is currently ,totally lacking today. Oppression is the name of the game !!!

Doing away with the Human Rights Commission was just n act of retaliation against the Schwebels, plain and simple. It had nothing to do with what's just or the towns people !!1

That's the bare faced truth of the matter!! Any one of intelligence who lives in Middletown is well aware of the motivation of that act of discrimination !!

Bullying me or anyone else is not going to change that fact.... so give it up. The character of these politicians and you also,for that matter. is to be called into question in this whole fiasco! Shameful !


Anonymous said...

Must be democrats complaining here because our town is run pretty well. Some of you should look at other towns more often.

Anonymous said...

NOT JUST DEMOCRATS complaining here !!

Middletown is run like a concentration camp by a bunch of narrow minded despots who lack in character !

The two featured on the film here need to go work for Vladamir !!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you people kidding me?? This woman spoke non stop for what seemed like forever, babbling on about some nonsense. The only time they interrupted her was when she made false statements/lies/slanderous comments about them. When they finally try to speak, she wants to try to cut them off. Good for the Board for not allowing this nut to bully them.