Prior to the March 17th Township Committee Meeting, the Township introduced the FY2014 budget to the public. The budget calls for a 2% increase in the tax rate.
The PowerPoint presentation can be viewed...
The prosed FY2014 Middletown Township Budget as presented can be viewed...
The Solid Waste Budget as presented can be viewed...
you should spend more time focusing on where the real money is at; the Board of Education
I agree, 8:50 PM. The Township portion of our taxes is tiny compared to the king's ransom that goes to the schools.
But that's not political...
I agree with the comments. Has anyone read the new tax breakdown and spending by the schools? They say new positions were added and some of these are 6 figures. People need to start paying attention more to the school budget and taxes, this is why our taxes are high and continue to go up.
I wish Linda Baum would stop wasting her time with the township given she's spent a ton of time and has found nothing. She could help clean up the boe for us. Please Linda, help us out and start looking at this!!!!!!!
Every portion of the tax bill needs to be examined. Why should it be this Linda person who is doing the work of all the resident in town? Middletown needs more Linda's, like those that post comments above.
It is so good that you have posted this budget! At the meeting I could neither see nor hear it properly.
Agree, this budget isn't problem as it accounts for less than a 1/3 of our overall budget. The real problem is the school budget which is set to go up again! Why are we not watching the school board more closely????????
Anon 7:34
Why aren't you watching the school board more closely? 1/3 of our budget or not, it continues to go up every year regardless. This year it is going up 2.88%. There is always an excuse. It all comes down to poor planning, no vision for the future. Over 10% of this budget is going to pay down debt and there are no improvements being made.
? township taxes are not a problem, the education budget is!
Yea, 1:17, We love that our taxes go up every year. What are you complaining about? There is no problem with that. Besides, the BoE members are supported by our township officials.
Anon 10:15 AM, what makes you say I've found nothing? I've found plenty. I agree residents should take an active interest in their government -- municipal, school and county, too. The more people who actively participate, the better.
A more readable version of the 2014 budget presentation, along with the full budget, can be found at the above link on the township website.
Linda, as taxpayer and registered Democrat,
I do applaud you for your effort and thank you on our behalf. I wish, like others here, you would show up at the board of ed meetings and start digging around there as well. We need you to focus your efforts here as this is where the biggest taxes are paid and the most waste! You would be amazed at what goes and your budget analysis is sorely needed. Perhaps you should even run for the board.
I know you have run and have political ambitions but if you want to make a name for yourself, if you want to bring change as you say you do, you are needed at the board of ed.
Please from a PTA mom
anon 4:58,
Linda has a recognizable name but wastes her time with the township items. Our school taxes are 3/4s of our tax bill. If she wants to help shape the future of this town, I would agree with other posters that it's at the BOE.
Well Linda, are you going to help out people asking for it?
WHO IS "US" ???
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