Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa Is Coming, Santa is Coming!! keep an eye out for him by using NORAD's or Google's Santa Tracker

It's Christmas Eve and Santa left the North Pole a few hours ago to start making his deliveries but he won't be in our neighborhood for at least another 12 hours.

No to worry thought, if you would like to keep an eye out for him and track his whereabouts so as not to miss him, This year, as in years past, you can keep an eye on where Santa is all throughout the day by checking in on his travels with the NORAD Tracker (NORAD is the bi-national U.S.-Canadian military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and Canada). NORAD, has been tracking Santa since 1955 !

You can also use Google's Santa Tracker.  Google started tracking Santa last year and does a pretty good job of it as well.

Each site is interactive, fun and easy to use. The kids in the house will by kept busy, having a great time playing all the different games and watching videos of Santa's arrivals throughout the world. It's a great way to keep the kids occupied while you do last minute preparations for Santa's arrival.

A great feature of Google's website is that you can have Santa record a special, personalized message for your son, daughter or other loved one. Google will have Santa personally call or email the greeting to your loved ones. I used it last year to call my nieces, nephews and own son. It was wonderful!

You can follow and track each of Santa's stops on YouTube

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