Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Where In Middletown Is Susan O'Neal?

Conspicuously missing from the meeting agenda of tomorrow's (Sept. 18th) meeting of the Middletown Library Board of Trustees is the name of Library Director Susan O'Neal. It's nowhere to be found.

Has Ms. O'Neal been quietly relieved of her duties as Library Director after last weeks special meeting of the Board of Trustees where no public action was taken after the board spent nearly 45 minutes in executive session? That's a distinct  possibility, I've been told that she hasn't been seen at the library for a few days and that her office has been cleared out.

If that is the case than I am truly sorry to hear it.  Ms. O'Neal was a well respected librarian though out the state and true advocate for Middletown's Library system whose downfall was set into motion when she and others who had sat on the library's Board of Trustees openly opposed the transfer nearly $750K of dedicated and surplus funds from the Middletown Library to the Township Committee over the past 2+ years.  

I have an email out to Ms. O'Neal but frankly, I don't expect her to respond. If she does I'll pass along her response. In the meantime, I wish her well and I hope the best for her. She deserves better.



Melanie Elmiger said...

Based on the actions of the township and its Library Board, I have to agree with this suspicion.

Was Director O'Neal fired, did she retire, did the Board present her with a "package" to go away quietly and not go public with the truth behind the events leading up to her departure? With no one left to protect the library from the township's defunding efforts, I can presume that layoffs and denial of expenditures will be next. Although I verified that there is no referendum on November's ballot to de-municipalize the library, it is something that could come up next year. I wonder if the library may be in better hands with the County---free from the manipulations and money grabs of the Middletown Township Committee. In fact at August's Library Board meeting, the last remaining Board member from the 2011 Library Board called the "forces" of the township "evil and nefarious."

Tonight there is a Library Board meeting at 7pm. Like last week, the agenda calls for the meeting to begin with an Executive Session, which usually lasts 30-40 minutes. Then public comment begins. Please consider attending and showing your support for the library, and please pass the word to anyone you know who enjoys the library and will be concerned with its demise.

Anonymous said...

One step closer to the Monmouth County Library - Middletown Branch. The County never wanted all of those branches or the high salary that the Director carried. They will need the larger parking lot, which is in the capital budget for this year.

Anonymous said...


How is it that the town was being defunded while making $200K+ library pension payments for years under the watch of the Library director and no one cries foul there? How many years did the town suffer from this? Maybe the recreation department would still be here today if the library director was honest and upfront. It would only take 5 years to amass $1 million if squirreled away. That's taxpayer money that was being abused by the library. These trustees are appointed to not only do what is best for the library, but also make the most of OUR tax dollars.

And how are they ruining the library? Yea maybe the branches closed? The board has been talking about that for years...

What has changed at the main branch? Not much...

Don't cry foul, when everyone knows there is none!

Anonymous for Good Reason said...

Having lived in Middletown for over forty six years ,in more recent years I have observed the total lack of regard or respect shown to the residents of this communities by the condescending individuals that serve on this TC and many others in administration.

The incompetence that may or does exist in handling finances in this community, the lack of proper oversight and accounting for funds and the efforts to destroy the reputations of distinguished individuals such Randall Gabrielan and Susan O'Neal as they are made scapegoats for the deficient, defective practices of township government, is disgusting.

Clearly politics has become a form of tyranny,invasive,destructive and totally void of decency and morality.Does anyone in this township administration or those on the library board have any shame ? Are you all puppets of a dictatorial regime determined to dominate and control all funding for our schools,our library and our government regardless of the law.

This is not democracy at work. It is a totalitarian dictatorship whose behavior is absolutely reprehensible.

Anonymous said...

Good Reason -

What "incompetence in handling finances" are you talking about?

Or are you just believing what Linda and Mike are telling you?

Middletown is right in the middle of the pack in the tax rate, has many great parks and facilities and has seen taxes meet or go below 2% for the past few years.

You claim that you have seen disrespect on the part of employees -- did you report it to their supervisors? I am certain that action would be taken.

Show some evidence for what you are alleging...

Anonymous said...

If she has been relieved of her position in this manner it is further evidence of these politicians back room antics. For a group who have promised transparency in government this yet another example of what hypocrites they are. Most likely they do not want the news of this to interfere with their campaign.

Anonymous said...

What amazes me is these politicians can find money to build two astroturf fields costing in excess of $2,000,000 yet they can not find money to repair the radio system our first responders and residents depend on.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Anonymous for Good Reason!! As a 22 year resident of this township that I have been proud to call home I am totally disgusted by the way this community is governed and the dirty politics that preys on the special jewels that made me move here in the first place. What will happen to our wonderful library when the governing board does away with all of the hardworking, dedicated employees and brings in their own henchmen who don't know anything about running this institution? The library board can't even agree among themselves during a public meeting without looking like a bunch of kids fighting on a playground. I love our community, but with the politics taking over the great parts of it I fear that I will want to exit quickly. I just hope that all of this negative publicity won't make it difficult to sell my home and find peace elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 8:24

Don't let the doorknob hit you in the butt on your way out!

See ya!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:23PM:

Now be nice or you won't get the listing.

Anonymous said...

MajesticMotormouth anon 10:23 and Tough Guy on the TC @ 6:35........

Not only have seen, done battle with a couple of lying bastards in administration. . It's no secret how little regard this TC has for the people of Middletown. They are notorious for their crude,absence of courtesy or common decency and respect for anyone who disagrees with them. And there's plenty to disagree with them about !

Middletown if full of republican AH's and they all stink !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why the State doesn't investigate the Township Committee. The Asbury Park Press loves to investigate a good scandal. Why have they never looked into the dirty dealings of the Middletown Township Committee? Get the Attorney General to conduct an investigation and audit.

I just bet Sandy money is being used for lots of budget items it wasn't intended for.

What about all the new Police cars? The extra $52,000 they didn't use because they over estimated the cost and appropriated too much. Hmmmm, what will they use the extra for?

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that good for nothing lawyer they hired who now rules the roost and conducts the TC meetings as though he was elected "the mayor".

God save us from this troupe of trash !!!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:01

You do realize that there are strict financial control laws in place with regard to how the town spends its budget, right? You do realize that a state mandated and reviewed audit takes place every year?

Every penny spent by the town is scrutinized tightly...

Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Honesty and truthfulness are character traits absent in the makeup of most of the current administration !
Scrutiny be damned. This crowd has an excuse for everything they do. They cannot be trusted !

About time for Middletown residents to realize they have created a "monster" when they repeatedly return the devious fakers to office. Don't turn your back on any of them for a minute.

A forensic audit of every dollar COLLECTED and SPENT in this town is sorely needed by an INDEPENDENT AUDITOR.