Saturday, September 14, 2013

Truth Team: Let's talk about tax credits

On October 1st -- in just 18 days! -- more than 30 million uninsured Americans will be able to sign up for affordable health insurance in the marketplace, many for the very first time.

One of the lesser-known facts about Obamacare is that under the law, millions of Americans will be eligible for financial assistance, or tax credits. Unfortunately, this is also one of the newest targets for our opponents in Congress who are trying to derail the law -- and they have plenty of myths to spread here.

We Truth Teamers have an opportunity to make sure our friends and family know the truth about what Obamacare financial assistance is and what it means. Check out this cool calculator from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation that shows how the tax credits work -- and then share it on Facebook or Twitter.

This is just one way Obamacare is helping provide security to the middle class.

Our opponents are out there blowing hot air about the impact of Obamacare -- some are even trying to stop the law entirely. Just this week, we saw two separate attempts in Congress to block crucial parts of how Obamacare provides better benefits and lower costs to millions.

But we've got the facts on our side -- and we've got to spread the word.

Here's how the financial assistance works:

-- Individuals earning up to $45,000 per year -- or families of four earning up to $94,000 per year -- will be eligible to receive it.

-- Nearly half of all people who currently buy their own health insurance will be eligible for financial assistance next year -- and, on average, are expected to save about $2,700 a year.
This is huge -- for the country, for the middle class, and for folks out there who have been looking forward to the day that they can finally get affordable health care.

We need to be the ones out there telling folks that day is coming soon -- and the tax credits will probably help someone you know.

Check out the subsidies calculator:

And share it with your family and friends on Facebook:

Or tweet it out:

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