Thursday, September 19, 2013

Middletown Library Director Susan O'Neal resigns

At last night's Middletown Library Board of Trustees meeting, the Board attorney Mr. McOmber, announced that Library Director Susan O'Neal had resigned her position after securing a package to walk away. There is an article up on the Asbury Park Press's website written by reporter Susanne Cervenka, the article is a little misleading but worth reading. For convenience I posted the article below but will post the video of the meeting as soon as it is processed.

Don't be fooled, getting rid of Susan O'Neal as Library Director will not end the library's troubles...the future of the library is bleaker now than before since Ms. O'Neal will not be there to shield it from township control any longer. Unfortunately you can't reason with psychopaths and expect positive outcomes:
MIDDLETOWN — Embattled Middletown Township Public Library Director Susan O’Neal resigned Wednesday night after controversy that has been lingering for at least two months.
Middletown Library Board of Trustees tonight also approved a settlement with O’Neal. The terms of that agreement were not disclosed. Library Attorney R. Armen McOmber said Middletown Township is also a party to the settlement and still needs to approve it.
No interim director was appointed to replace O’Neal. Library President Brock Siebert said the three department managers within the library will report directly to him for the time being. The library board’s personnel committee will be responsible for making a longer term appointment.
McOmber advised all library trustees against discussing personnel matters.
O’Neal was given a Rice notice, a formal notification that her employment was going to be discussed, in advance of the July 17 meeting.
That came shortly after emails regarding the library were released via public records request by Committeeman Anthony Fiore between O’Neal’s private Hotmail account and Linda Baum, a library supporter, frequent critic of Middletown government and Democratic candidate for Township Committee. Fiore, who is now on the library board, has said previously he believes those emails prove O’Neal was orchestrating crowds at library trustee meetings to sway board action.
O’Neal’s resignation also came 5½ months after it was discovered that the library actually had an extra $156,000 that arose from a township audit in September 2012. O’Neal has said in public meetings that she did not know about the funds when the library trustees working on their 2013 budget, which eliminated funding for three satellite branches.
The closure of the branches prompted outrage from residents who used them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike for giving us the heads up on the APP article which is a bit misleading. It doesn't clearly mention that the township financial officer, who is responsible for overall notification of available funding for ALL departments, did not disclose to Ms. O'Neal that this money was anywhere in the coffers to be available for saving the branches or any other use. This will give the public the impression that she was a crook. Takes one to know one and she sure wasn't!!! She was the library's savior and made it what it is today. God help us all!!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that they won't ever name the New Jersey Room after Randy Gabrielan?

Anonymous said...

Since this township mismanagement has happened with the library funds they control, it MUST be happening in other departments---police, health, recreation...let's hope those fees they are collecting from all the youth sports organizations are actually going into a bank account for the intended purpose.

Anonymous said...

What a tragedy and a travesty. I hope Ms. O'Neal got a good package. I imagine her reputation will ensure her an excellent position at another library. Their gain, our loss.

Your Leonardo reader

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:05....

No, if they don't name it after Randy, they should name it after Susan O'Neal !
These two people served the Middletown Library with integrity !!!
That's more than you can say about some of the poor excuses serving on the Board of Library Trustees today !!

Anonymous said...

After all of this bluster and chest thumping by the phallically challenged Fiore and the rest of the Republican TC, no one can answer this question....

Why was the library director, Susan Oneal FIRED, uh..excuse me, FORCED to RESIGN from the Middletown Library..????

I guess providing information to a citizen of Middletown is grounds for dismissal these days. If that is the case, they should fire everyone in the library, and the school system too for that is what they do everyday. Is it, perhaps, the "person" that Ms. Oneal chose to provide information to that is the problem, and the fact that the petty despotic dicatator, ex-Mayor, Mr. Fiore has some kind of scicilian grudge that he wants to work out because he is drunk with his own power, as they all seem to be these days, on the TC...

There have been some other weak allusions and false accusations that somehow Ms. Oneal has been defrauding the township, like this poster, "How is it that the town was being defunded while making $200K+ library pension payments for years under the watch of the Library director and no one cries foul there?"

This is an outright lie. The township never explained the $300k charge backs to the library in 2013 for "pensions", and what have you, and I am sure they are going to make up some other garbage like this in the future. You see, they like to make accusations like this, but they never back them up with facts. They are like common thieves, robbing the library's coffers to feather their own nests.

And to whomever posted this slander against Ms. Oneal could the library be at fault for this if it was indeed happening (which I highly doubt)? Wouldn't this show how incompetent the TC really is if they didn't know that $200k was missing from their budget? I thought you guys were audited? Does this sizeable sum regularly go missing at town hall? The public deserves to know.

Why does this gang of cretins at the TC think that the public is so stupid? The TC gains 2 free library buildings that they need to make money and get the recovering drug addicts away from Trinity school, which Mrs Chistie has a "personal" interest in, and Mr. Fiore is a personal friend of someone high up in Trinity's administration. We are still waiting for the emails Tony as to how you hatched this plan to steal the library branches from the community, and blame Ms. Oneal in the process. Of course, you had to get rid of the prior library board (who foolishly had the interests of the library and middletown community at heart), befor you could hatch the plan that was written up on the back of Peter Carton's secret white board at the inner sanctum of Republican crooks and thieves, but the public would never figure it out, right, Tony the Hood?

Well, you were wrong...and no one can tell me the REAL reason that Susan Oneal was fired from the library....

My theory is that she knew too much of your plans and could have stopped you. Is that why you told her you were going to do it, "because you can".

There's your typical Republican TC arrogance on display folks. Keep fiddlin' Tony, while Middletown burns...

Anonymous said...

3:43 PM,

"phallically challenged Fiore" ??? Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor!! How on earth do YOU know what he has down there? Or don't you know what the word means? The remarks in this blog are getting lower class by the day.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:43,

The township did detail the $300+. Ask Linda Baum to explain it, she thinks she understands it and speaks your language. LOL

How much longer will your band of merry fools continue to follow you further down the rathole. Do yourself a favor and move to a town that you can celebrate victory and find camaraderie with fellow Demorats. Maybe then you will find your soul and regain happiness. By then Christie will be president, so you will still be miserable!

Yours Truly

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:25 a.m aka Middletown and Lincroft's village scold or Majestic Motormouth.......

Peddle your BS elsewhere AH. It's a free country and we are ALL entitled to our opinions (even you if anybody cares to listen and most or all of us don't).

Too ignorant to understand that almost no one here on Mike's blog shares your bigoted prospective. Go shoot your mouth off on the APP....but you have to put YOUR NAME to your opinions and all the pseudo names you use are unacceptable.

Please note anon 3:43,
Politics is the reason Susan was fired because she dared to stand up to the bullies that run this town and are raping it of everything good that was here.

That's the simple truth of the matter !!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:43pm..

It was a metaphor, but I don't expect you to understand that because you are probably not very intelligent, or educated.

Anyone who would attack a library, close it's branches, steal 3/4 of a million dollars from it, fire the library board and then go after its Director, and then try and BLAME it on said Director must be "phallically challenged" you understand, because it takes someone with a mighty small member to pull such crass and transparent political garbage..what's the matter Tony, didn't do well in school so now you have it out for ALL educational institutions in your town? This goes for the rest of the TC as well. Is this the bunch of class-less characters that you want running your town, Middletown?

I don't think it is. It's just that the people are not paying attention...yet! This classic over-reaching and power grab will be paid for one day, however when the perpetrators are finally and justly frog-marched off to prison.

*Correction to my previous post...

The Repug plan wasn't hatched it Peter Carton's basement, I'm told. It actually took place in one of Rob Cordiano's failing businesses..(can that guy whine more about Obamacare?), and was written on the back of a matchbook..!


Anonymous said...

And you STILL can't tell me the reason why the Library Director of the Middletown Township Public Library, Susan Oneal, was me, RESIGNED (Forcibly!)

Anonymous said...

Anon 12;10p.m.,

Susan had a relationship with a resident who is also running for a position on the TC. That's a no-no to these tyrants who persecute anyone one and everyone who disagrees with their cunning,looting practices.God save you if your friend is a Democrat !

This TC and their hatchet men on the "new library board" violate every rule of decency ,skating on the edge of lawlessness. Now these brainless characters are going to cost the taxpayers more money because of their misbehavior....remember the lawsuit against a TC committeeman and former mayor for sexually harassing a former township clerk? Never did reveal how much that cost the taxpayers not too long ago.Just more of the same.

Guess Fiore must be sitting on his brains and is testing the limits of legality. Just another punk politician.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:25 AM-

You seem very confident that Chris Christie will get a chance to take the non-existent "Jersey Comeback" to the entire country. Will he be taking the self-described "Christie Team" of Middletown with him? If so, I can assure you very few people in Middletown will be shedding any tears.

Perhaps relations with Iran will be smoothed out by the time the big man takes over. I think any one of our TC members would make an excellent ambassador to Iran.
Don't let their unique "talents' go to waste.

Anonymous said...

Better yet,send all of them to Russia or Syria!
Putin or Assad would sure teach all of them a lesson or two or three.....