Monday, September 16, 2013

Buono Campaign Releases Statement on Christie's New Television Ad Then Follows-up With Own Ad

New Brunswick, NJ - Buono for Governor Communications Director David Turner issued the following statement in response to Governor Christie's new television ad, which goes to desperate lengths to distract voters from his failed economic record:

"In less than a week, Governor Christie has decided to forgo talking about his terrible economic record that has raised property taxes by 20 percent and left 400,000 people looking for work.

"With nothing positive to talk about, he has resorted to attacking legislation that one of his biggest supporters sponsored, and a Governor from his own party signed.

"His attempts to distract from being an abject failure on job creation and taxes are what made a columnist from the state's biggest newspaper call him America's most overrated governor."

To further set the record straight on Governor Christie’s new television advertisement, the Buono campaign released a new web video of today, “Seeing,” The web video underscores the obvious: Christie’s false rhetoric is no match for the facts. While the Governor promised record job growth, New Jersey's job creation rate is one of the worst in the nation and poverty in the Garden State is currently at a 52 year high. Despite his pledge to reduce property tax rates, average property tax rates have increased by 20 percent over the past three years. And instead of fully funding local schools, Governor Christie has cut nearly $1 billion, leaving schools devoid of necessary resources.

As Governor Christie sets his sights on national office, there is another New Jersey that has been left behind and cannot afford four more years of his failed economic policies and misplaced priorities.

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