The following is from Congressman Rush Holt's newsletter
Last week, I attended President Obama’s speech at Georgetown University where he outlined his Climate Action Plan. The crisis in not waning. We have to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We have a moral obligation to act.
As the climate changes there will be stronger superstorms, worse floods, more withering droughts, and more intense wildfires. These natural disasters are already imposing horrific costs in dollars and lives.
The science is overwhelming, but many of my colleagues in Congress would prefer to deepen our dependence on fossil fuels. President Obama must do all he can administratively to reduce carbon pollution and mitigate the threats of global climate change while Congress fiddles. As a scientist and an elected leader I remain committed to even stronger legislative action in the fight against climate change.
One Step Forward, One Giant Leap Backwards
The Supreme Court finally overturned the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). As a founding member of the Equality Caucus, I have long supported marriage equality. The Courts ruling to end of DOMA is an important step in our nation’s efforts to extend the civil rights of all Americans. But we must go further. Last week, I joined my colleagues in the house in reintroducing the Respect for Marriage Act to ensure respect for State regulation of marriage. It is past time for Governor Christie to stop blocking same-sex marriage in New Jersey.
Sadly, while the Court overturned DOMA, it also struck down an essential part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which has helped guarantee the right to vote for every American regardless of their race.
By forbidding the Department of Justice from acting to prevent voter discrimination in America, the Supreme Court leaves no option but for Congress to act, if we are to be true to our founding values of liberty and justice for all. I look forward to working with Civil Rights icon Representative John Lewis to correct this decision and protect the voting rights all Americans.
Honoring Their Service
I was recently contacted by the spouse of a Marine Corps veteran who could not be buried with full military honors because of missing paperwork. After contacting the relevant officials to cut through the red tape the veteran was laid to rest with the dignity and respect he had earned.
If you need help to resolve a problem with a government agency please let me know so I can do everything possible to help. You can call 1-87-RUSH-HOLT or send an e-mail at
Rush Holt
Member of Congress
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