Saturday, June 15, 2013

New Jersey Cannot Afford Absentee Governor

New Brunswick, NJ – Buono for Governor Campaign Chairwoman Bonnie Watson Coleman today issued the following statement:

“It’s clear that Governor Christie’s top priority is advancing his own political career, not improving the lives of working and middle class families. While the Governor was on The Jimmy Fallon Show slow-jamming the news, New Jerseyans have been slammed by his failed economic policies that have left 400,000 people out of work and caused property taxes to increase by 20 percent. His so-called “Jersey Comeback” was nothing more than empty rhetoric as too many New Jersey workers and families struggle everyday to make ends meet. New Jersey cannot afford to have an absentee Governor who will spend the next four years pandering to conservatives in the cornfields of Iowa instead of rebuilding our economy and creating good-paying jobs right here in New Jersey.”

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