From NJ.Com:
The Monmouth County Library system continues to modernize and expand, but the cost is alarming some residents and officials.
The Board of Chosen Freeholders approved a $13.6 million tax levy to help fund the libraries’ $19.2 million budget, but not without protest from one member.
“I am very much concerned over these expenditures and how the library needs to reign itself in,” Freeholder John Curley said.
Curley said the library was on the path to fiscal insolvency.
“There has to be a drastic overhaul of the library system,” Curley said. “It can’t sustain itself. In 2014 at this rate the library’s bankrupt. I hope this plan can be incorporated.”
Monmouth County Libraries Director Ken Sheinbaum demurred, arguing that the system is a paragon of how to do more with less.
"Our library is among NJ's large public library systems and by a substantial measure the most efficient," Sheinbaum said. "Based on the number of circulations that each full time employee is responsible for, our employees are doing twice as much work as some of our sister institutions, and that was before we had a cut. It presents an exciting challenge for us to see how long we can maintain services on the level... while at this point losing eight percent of our staff over the past eight months."
Though the library's budget has decreased around $650,000 from 2012 levels, the gap between the library’s budget and its tax levy has increased. That shortfall been filled over recent years by Monmouth County’s surplus funds – this year, almost $6 million will be spent keeping the library solvent.
Sheinbaum said the money will come out of the system's fund balance.
"It is a library surplus, the library operates on a dedicated tax," Sheinbaum said. "We don't rely on the county to make a contribution, we take that from our own reserve." ...Continue reading.I suppose if you're a Middletown Library supporter and advocate the good news is the Middletown Library won't be changing hands anytime soon no matter how much Fiore wants to destroy it.
Wonder how much the ongoing feud between John Curley and Lillian Burry has to do with Curley's claims about the financial condition of Monmouth County Library System ?
It would be outrageous to make false claims such as this without justification.Too many county residents and towns would be hurt.
Time for the Monmouth County Republicans to get their act together because they are beginning to resemble the inept Republicans in Washington,D.C....
and it can be stated "a divided house cannot stand".
So, let me get this straight -- now you LIKE the Monmouth County Library System? Now you want to defend it?
I kind of remember that it was a threat to our Library, you were saying: "The TC wants to turn the Library over to the Monmouth County system..."
Fact is that with the decrease in property values, the dedicated revenue for Libraries is decreasing rapidly, and the storm hurt a lot.
I'm saying that now after going after the Middletown Library the GOP establishment is now going after the Monmouth County Library system. The public should be aware of this and protect it if it can.
Yes Mike,
You are right on target and it looks like John Curley is using the same rotten tactics as his pals on the Middletown TC used to raid the funds of our library....attack the integrity of the system and people you claim to support.
The Middletown Library system would be better off as part of the Monmouth County system. It would hopefully remove the politics from a very necessary public institution protected by state law.
There are few if any politicians regardless of party affiliation whose integrity is flawless when it comes to money. That's what this is all about, money! Control of the money !
It's time for the public to get it's head out of the sand. Politicians are not trustworthy today as they insist on putting party before the welfare of those they supposedly represent.
What is John Curley's real motivation in this ? That is the real question.
Hey Sybil,Anon 10:53 p.m...
Defending any library,especially the Monmouth County library or the "remains" of the Middletown library is a caring endeavor of any intelligent citizen . Thanks to Mike for caring !
Your diatribe is just another of your ignorant perspectives we have become so accustomed to hearing from you.
Go peddle your ignorance in the cesspool of Middletown's republican politics. Sure you will find 'birds of a feather".
Where will they prey next when the well runs dry at the libraries ?
Why doesn't someone ask Peter Carton? He seems to be the puppetmaster pulling the strings behind this bunch...
There's a very ignorant and wrong headed philosophy being peddled by the GOP that public institutions should be "privatized" and that Gov't is inefficient and ineffectual. Well, nothing can be further the truth. Privatization ALWAYs cost more, and the reason the REPUGS want to do it, is so they can STEAL from these institutions...(less regulation and accountability, you know.)
What a bunch of cut rate, low-life, mafioso type THUGS you people elect in Middletown. I think it's time you give these fools the bum's rush out of town in NOvember...You'd be doing yourselves, and your fellow citizens a favor. These people are no damn good!
The voters in Middletown are ignorant or they don't care because this bunch "lowlife and carpetbaggers" keep the people in the dark about all that they can.
Higher taxes (and they are coming) are the only thing that finally gains the public's attention. Maybe that's why Christie delayed the rebates till August so when applied you won;t notice the tax increases. Politicians have no consciences ! Especially this batch of them !
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