Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Monmouth County Democratic Candidates Look to Unseat Incumbents for Freeholder, Sheriff


Monmouth County Democratic Sheriff candidate Ruben Scolavino and Freeholder candidates
Brian Froelich and Larry Luttrell officially begin their campaigns today after winning their respective
primaries on Tuesday.

Ruben Scolavino, 37, is an attorney and former prosecutor who says the problem with the current Monmouth County Sheriff’s department is wasteful spending. “Taxpayers spend millions every year on financial mismanagement in the Sheriff’s Department. When elected Sheriff I will conduct an operational audit to eliminate wasteful spending and identify cost-savings.”

Brian Froelich, 67 from Spring Lake, is a successful business executive who feels the Monmouth CountyFreeholder Board has participated in a number of unethical practices over the past several years. “After gaining control of the Freeholder Board in 2010, the incumbent Freeholders repealed the Ethics resolution and went on to award their friends millions of dollars in contracts and sweetheart deals” said Froelich. “It’s time to put an end to this corruption and start looking out for the taxpayers.”

Larry Luttrell, 41, is an attorney and former prosecutor from Holmdel who says to look at the Andrew Lucas land deal as an example of corruption. “The Freeholders granted a $1.15 million payday to their political crony Andrew Lucas, disguised as farmland preservation. This type of corrupt, old-fashioned patronage needs to be stopped.”

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