Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Take Action To Label Genetically Engineered Foods. Call-in Day on Wednesday, January 16

From Food & Water Watch

We all have the right to know if the foods we are eating have been Genetically Engineered.

New Jersey Assemblyman Conaway, Chair of the Health Committee, is about to receive legislation to label Genetically Engineered foods. We want him to know that food is a priority for New Jerseyans. He needs to hear from YOU!

CALL Assemblyman Conaway:
Post the GE Labeling Bill
(877) 559-7809

Tell him:
• I’m glad to hear that the Assemblyman is in support of GE labeling - thank you! I urge him to post this legislation for a vote.
• GE foods are a huge part of the American food supply but they have not been tested for long-term impacts on human and environmental health.
• Consumers can’t make good choices about the food they eat without labeling.


Want to talk about GE foods and how you can make a difference?
(732) 839-0878 Ask for Emily or email ereuman@fwwatch.org

Note: This post has been updated

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