Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rep. Pallone: Boehner doesn't care about blue states NY, NJ

Early this morning Frank Pallone appeared on CNN's Early Start show to talk about why a comprehensive Sandy relief bill is needed now.

From the  CNN Pressroom blog

Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) criticizes Speaker John Boehner for not bringing a Hurricane Sandy relief bill up for a vote on Tuesday because he thinks Boehner wanted to avoid too much spending at one time, opting for a more “obscure” piecemeal plan of lesser payments.

Rep. Pallone says, “I really think that the speaker doesn't care about New York and New Jersey. In other words, we're blue states. The fact of the matter is that he was afraid to bring this up yesterday, in my opinion, because the Tea Party and the right wing did not want to vote for the spending bill for New York or primarily for New York and New Jersey.”

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