Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MTPL Board of Trustees: Please stop the closing of the Navesink Public Library

Maile McCann, a 15 year old Navesink resident has started a petition to save the Navesink library branch from being closed. She has compiled survey results from patrons and other statistics demonstrating how property values are enhanced when located near a library branch.

MTPL Board of Trustees

The Navesink library is the hub of a small, close- knit town that provides locals with educational resources as well as family programs. Closing the library would devastate the community and strip the residents of their convenient access to these resources and programs. Elderly can walk or drive over at their leisure to access resources that normally wouldn't be accessible at the main library. Families with children come for story time and Reading Buddies. The love of this library felt by the community is indescribable. It's closing would decimate the hearts of patrons. On behalf of all the residents of Navesink, please reconsider the closing of the Navesink Public Library.

The vote to close this branch takes place Wednesday night at 7pm when the Library Board of Trustees  meets at the main branch of the Middletown Library on New Monmouth Road.

Currently 200 people have signed the petition, hopefully more will follow to let those on the Library's Board of Trustees know that closing this or any other branch of the library is unacceptable.

You can sign the petition.... HERE 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Yhere is a very interesting editorial piece today in the Star Ledger. "In Praise of Life Saving Libraries" by Brian Regal,a professor at Kean University. This should be read by every member of Middletown's Library Board of Trustees and especially by the Middletown Township Committee members.

If ever the importance of a library is clearly stated (and in this community the entire library system since this township covers over forty square miles).

Library service in Middletown is one of the most important functions of public service to this community. Education is a primary concern for a progressive society. An excellent library system is a primary ingredient to meet the public's need. We had that requirement until politics as usual is endeavoring to destroy our library. The politicians appear as a self serving bunch of incompetent individuals who put political priorities above the educational needs of the community the Middletown Public Library System serves.

This is ignorance at it's very worst! Stupidity might be a better word to describe their actions !!