Monday, January 28, 2013

Middletown's Shadow Lake May Never Be Dredged

1-22-13 Township Committee Meeting, Linda Baum asks the Township Committee if they could discuss their earlier vote on Resolution 13-67 to reject the latest bids for the dredging of Shadow Lake.

All the bids that the Township received for the dredging of the lake came in over the budgeted amount for the project, the lowest bid came in at $4.8 million - over a $1million difference in the budgeted amount.

It was stated by Township Administrator Tony Mercantante, that it was unlikely that new bids for the dredging will ever go out unless there is a "significant change to the scope of the project...".

For the past 6 years Gerry Scharfenberger and his Republican cronies, both on and off of the Township  Committee, have been coddling and kowtowing  to a few local residents who around and near the lake, promising them that it would be dredged.  Now due to their unrealistic cost expectations, Gerry and friends will have to break their promise.

A simple Google search will lead you to the history of Shadow Lake dredging project and the farce for votes that it has become.


Anonymous said...

What?? Unbelievable! I was assured by the township that this was a done deal. Is it possible that this whole dredging project was just a way to get some votes?

Anonymous said...

There is not a Republican in Middletown capable of the truth ! NOT ONE !

When do the people in this town WAKE UP TO THAT FACT ?? WHEN ?? EVER ??


Anonymous said...

The TC lies about Shadow Lake have been going on for years but don't worry. Before the next election they will say they "changed the scope of the project" or are getting more bids to pacify the voters. Of course after the election nothing will happen.

All of the money we dump into the Arts center year after year, between salaries, debt service and utility bills, we could have dredged the lake several times over and they would not have to raid the library funds to balance their budget,

Anonymous said...

After these thugs get done destroying the library ....the ARTS CENTER will be next !

Mark my words......this TC has an insatiable appetite for money because they have never learned how to manage the township budget. "Osmosis" does not work !!! ....and patronage costs MONEY....lots of MONEY!!!

Anonymous said...

Scharfey & Co. keep a promise? Have they ever kept promises to the residents of this towm ?

Maybe when hell freezes over !

Politics as usual. Nothing but political windbags !!

Anonymous said...

The Arts Center was a pet project of the all Republican Township Committee led by Mayor Peters so it will never be raided; and, it can't be raided because it doesn't have any money to raid.

Year-after-year the taxpayers have been spending $200,000 to cover utilities and additional dollars to cover debt service. Does the T.C. charge-back the Arts Center for worker compensation and health care?