Monday, January 21, 2013

1/16/13 Middletown Library Board Meeting: Library Closing Debated; Video

Last week the Middletown Library Board of Trustee met for its first regularly scheduled meeting of the year. After going through the normal routine of reorganizing the board - which seemed to take longer than necessary due to the relative inexperience of the current make up of the board -  a number of members of the public voiced their objections to the Board concerning the previously announced planned closure of Bayshore, Lincroft and Navesink branches the Middletown Library.

I couldn't attend this meeting myself  and have only been able to watch about half of the video below thus far. But thanks to the many articles popping up in the media about the potential closing of these branches and a concerned library patron and MiddletownMike reader named Tara, I've been able to keep abreast of what transpired during the meeting and what has happened since.

Tara was kind enough to share with me her notes from the meeting - which I've posted here -  so that when you watch the accompanying video, you'll be able to identify areas of concern:
Many residents made impassioned appeals to keep the libraries open. The young lady whose petition you posted on your blog spoke and mentioned studies where property values of homes within 1/4 mile of a library are higher than those further away. Of course, she also spoke about the many wonderful things the library offers.

A woman, Bernadette Masi, made an appeal for the Bayshore Library. She mentioned how Sandy had water surrounding the library but that it survived. She said, "God spared it from Sandy and now this board might take it away". She also talked about how so many residents of that area are using the computers there to fill out FEMA and insurance claims. Also mentioned was how the Bayshore area schools require homework to be submitted electronically and how many children in that area do not have computers. I was surprised, as were many others, when Vivian Breen commented a little later that nobody was making an appeal on behalf of the Bayshore Branch. She made a mistake saying that! That did not go over very well.

So much to write about but I have to rush! A new member of the board looked at the budget and asked how could the health insurance for 30 full time workers be $800,000 when the annual salaries for the entire staff is $1,600,000!? The new member was told if he had been at the meeting when the CFO explained it he would have known. When a resident asked the board during the public part of the meeting that, since they were at the meeting with the CFO, why don't THEY EXPLAIN IT. New board president, Brock Seibert, then acted in a rude manner to that man. But the man said he had every right to express himself for 5 minutes without being interrupted. Seibert told the new board member to speak to the CFO and/or the town administrator in the morning. A women from Lincroft said, "Let's ask the administrator now! He is sitting in the back row!" Seibert seemed very annoyed and basically ignored the request.

Many people offered to volunteer. Susan O'Neil said the workers union does not want volunteers to take away a job from a paid employee. Michael Vitkansas protested that, saying if people want to volunteer to save money to keep a library open that should be encouraged!

Some people said fundraising. Some people said fundraising does not work. I think those people just don't know how to throw a good party!

Michael Winchell of Duryea Navesink Libray Association spoke and mentioned reduced hours, which I also suggested to the board. He also said he was informed 20 days ago and told to keep it quiet.

Another woman spoke about the claims filed by the library staff. She said she the claims of the employees cost $500 but the township charged the library system $100,000 for the claims!

Vivian Breen said to the residents 'that you should have been taking to the township committee'. Someone said, we would have if we knew what was happening, if the library board did not first post this on Jan 11th, when residents have library cards with contact information. Notices could have been mailed to everyone with a library card.

Steve Monaghan and Michael Convery, along with the board's attorney, seemed the most willing to let the community come up with solutions. So the board voted to delay voting on the budget until Feb 20th. The residents came up with three representatives. One will represent each branch. Each will work among their local fellow residents to get a plan, then each representative will meet with the board to show a planned solution for each library.

Susan O'Neil said she could work to do that but I will mention that she did say that she was surprised how nobody mentioned what a beautiful library the main branch is and how she feels that the main library could become the hub of the community. Sure! Children and seniors will walk from their homes, along Route 35, to get to the hub of the community. How long would it take someone from Navesink, Locust, Lincroft or Bayshore to walk to 'the hub of the community'?

There was objection among the newly appointed Board members, enough that the Board decided to hold off on the closings until other methods of funding could be sourced. The Board selected volunteers from each area of town that has a branch to work with the Director and the Finance Committee on alternate funding, in addition to the portion of property taxes already designated for Library funding.

Here is a copy of the meeting agenda which includes the minutes from the December 18,2012 meeting of the library board.


Anonymous said...

This Micheal Vitkansas is a republican party loyalist who writes opinion letters to the press to support anyone on TC who is criticizes and rumor has it this Brock Siebert will be running for the TC this fall on the republican ticket. Not any improvement that's for sure if true.

In place of which one....Sharfie somebody or that other guy, Setten somebody ???

Wouldn't it be a new day in Middletown if such a thing as integrity was a component of government in this community. Enough of the thugs !

Legion said...

I just want to point out the two big mistakes in the "notes" given to MM by a not so disinteretsted attendee at the meeting.

The question about the cost of health insurance was NOT a questioning of the township's chargeback. The new board member suggested that the Library fire all full time employees so that there would be NO cost at all for health insurance.

And the issue about worker's compensation insurance... The misinformed woman who made that claim discussed how the town "was using the Library to get a better rate on insurance..." Sounds really smart... until you recognize that the township is self insured for WC and dno't pay any premium. The Library is simply assessed the budgeted amount for WC based upon their percentage of total salary (read the CFO's explanation of these chargebacks posted here ages ago).

The only viable solution is for a group of concerned citizens to submit a petition with a large number of citizen/taxpayer names on it asking for a special ballot referendum in November to add 2% (or whatever figure would be needed) to the property tax rate as additional funding for the Library.

If the support is there and you belive that the taxpayers would approve in the Fall -- then go for it and stop pretending that fundraising and volunteers can pay for the utiliities and maitenance of those buildings as well as the insurance and staffing -- they can't.

I don't think this referendum (which is the only legal way to go over the 2% tax cap, btw) would pass, and I think those who want the taxpayers to keep subsidizing the Library know that, but they would rather try to get that to continue than to do the right thing.

Prove me wrong, let's see the Lincroft Village Green group sponsor a petition calling for an increase in taxes.



Anonymous said...

Frankly, the Middletown library system would be better off under the direction of Monmouth County. It would get the lousy politics and lousy township politicians out of one of the most important services to the people who reside (and or pay taxes ) in this community.

We would all then belong to the Monmouth County System,able to belong to or utilize any county branch. The Shrewsbury and Manalapan branches of the county library are remarkable facilities.

This action might just preserve what we have left of library facilities as we CANNOT TRUST MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, plainly evident from the conduct of the "new board" and the " yokels" on the TC. We all know what their priorities are and how little integrity,if they have any, they exhibit !!

Linda Baum said...

Some workers comp statistics: WC loss runs for the Twp show that the library's portion of losses in 3 years (claims from 2010-2012) is just $500 out of $2,800,000. The chargeback for this line item for 2012 was $104,000, or more than $300,000 over 3 years compared to real 3-yr losses of $500.

For comparison, an insurance company premium estimate for an annual WC policy for the library is under $25,000.

The library is very clearly being overcharged by the Twp for this line item.

Anonymous said...

This TC is becoming expert in raping the library of it's funds( three years experience and growing) and it will not stop until the people in this community sends this bunch of thugs to the showers. What is taking pace here is disgraceful,unethical and may cross the line on legality.

Anonymous said...


What qualifies you as an expert on this matter? Who do you work for and what is your position?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:32,

Who in hell do you think you are anyway ?

What qualifications do you think you have to question ANYONE ??

Your arrogance certainly surpasses YOUR QUALIFICATIONS ! Just another "nit wit" republican, I assume.

Linda's experience certainly entitles her to her opinions, just as much as your arrogance DOES NOT SPARE US OF YOURS !!

Linda has qualifications

Sour Gwapes said...

WOW sounds like someone doesn't want to answer that one...

Guess it is too soon to talk about the overwhelming loss last November?

Seems like the voters of middletown prefer arrogence over a broken record that spews lies about issues no one cares about.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:19 p.m.,

NO, NOT SOUR GRAPES, not a DEMOCRAT either and ALSO NOT LINDA but a very,very longtime resident that gets SICK TO DEATH of the DUMB ASSES like YOU !

Anonymous said...

The very the ignorant,audacious diatribe spewn by anonymous 10:19 p.m. last night is classic of the unconscionable conduct of the "characters" that attempt to run an administration in Middletown, be it the TC, the school system( the politicians stacked the BOE also) or the library system.

Make no mistake about any of this, it's all about money. It always has been and it always will be. Money is the the driving force in this town,not integrity and certainly not public service, and the results are nothing of which to be proud.

How much do the town's people have to lose before they at last revolt against these thugs? How much ????

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:19,

Maybe you are just out of touch with what people want.

Ever think about it that way? I know its difficult, but I think you can do it!

Can't Stand Asine Egotists said...

Anonymous 9:52,

Not out of touch at all and I have some advice for you,smart ass.....GO ____YOURSELF!

For you it won't be difficult....
"I know you can do it "