Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As an elder law attorney and former Monmouth County Surrogate, I am very concerned about the Republican threat to Medicare and Medicaid.

In 2011 and 2012 Paul Ryan presented budgets to Congress (which every Republican lawmaker signed and Governor Romney endorsed) ending Medicare as we know it and substituting in its place a “voucher” program. This means government no longer pays for medical expenses but gives each senior money to purchase private insurance based on the amount he/she can pay and their pre-existing condition. If you want better care than your stipend allows, you’ll pay more out of your own pocket or go without. The Congressional Budget Office calculates the immediate effect at $6,400.00 per person. Also, seniors will pay 100% for prescriptions in the “donut hole” ($2,840 to $4,550) where Medicare now pays 50% and 100% in 2020.

If that were not enough to cause concern, their budget cuts $800 billion from Medicaid. Nursing homes will not be getting the funding necessary to cover their occupants. Moreover, with more people living longer and less families able to care for loved ones there will be no place for them to go. The effects will be devastating.

Republicans argue these programs will go bankrupt if they don’t change. That hasn’t happened in 47 years If the wealthy paid their fair share of taxes and Congress stopped raiding these programs, that won’t happen.

Vote for President Obama and other Democratic candidates. Save Medicare and Medicaid. Our future depends on it!


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