Sunday, June 3, 2012

Typo My Ass...

We all know that this is what voter suppression is ACTUALLY about...

(Being Liberal Wall Pictures By: Being Liberal)


Anonymous said...

I have no problem showing ID that says I am who I am and I am here to vote! Protection of the LEGAL and justifed rights of voters is more important than the unlawful privelage of those who should not be voting in the first place. Anyone who has a problem with it is unamerican. No one has a problem showing a cop your drivers license when you get stopped. I feel it is not far off from that. When I use my credit card someplaces they make sure I am the proper user of the card, AGAIN, I dont have a problem with this.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what your opinion is anon 12:14 a.m........Everybody has rights and one only has to have traveled in the South to see what trampling of rights is about....bigotry and hatred of anyone different from yourself.

Bigotry and hatred toward anyone who challenges the majority in Middletown is another illustration of the need for regulations to protect EVERYONE ! Intimidation runs rampant in that town.

Don't be naive...violation of voters rights exist and IT SHOULD NOT in a free and democratic society !!

Here Legally said...

Only people here legally have rights, everyone else is given these rights and they can be taken away just as easily. How is it that you cross the border into Iran mistakenly and you get locked up for years, but you come to america illegally and you get food stamps, charity healthcare, and a free education...

Sounds like to good of a deal to me.

I highly doubt that having to show ID saying your are who you are is going to disuade any legal voters from voting. I am proud to show anyone my ID, cause I am who I say I am!!!

Anonymous said...

Get your head out of your rear parts.....bigotry and hatred exist and forms of identification don't alleviate the consequences of those who practice it !
"Here Legally" you are a nut case and exactly the kind of person who crosses the line and discriminates.

What boat ere your ancestors on ??? or can't you remember ??