Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Heard it in the Hallways: Brightbill To Step in As Director of Recreation

Remember all the controversy that surrounded former Middletown Parks and Recreation Director Gregg Silva that lead to his termination retirement? If you remember there was speculation that former Deputy Mayor Pam Brightbill was interested in snagging herself a plum township job upon stepping down from the Township Committee and she had her sights locked onto the Parks and Recreation job being vacated by Silva. Of course at the time, she denied having any interest whatsoever in succeeding Silva as the head of the soon to be reorganized Department of Recreation, saying at the time the she preferred to continue volunteering on one or more advisory boards.

At the time of her denial, I thought it unlikely that Brightbill would take over for Gregg Silva. After all, she wasn’t qualified in the first place to assume the job but more importantly the job as Director of Parks and Recreation was (is) classified as a civil service position and from what I was able to gather at the time, Pam had never taken the civil service exam. Not that it ever mattered, in the past Middletown has changed many ordinances or resolution so that favored people could get a job, you only need to look at the lawyer sitting up on the dais next to the mayor, for a perfect example of the cronyism that I speak of.

So now it’s been six months since Gregg Silva stepped down and the department that he headed has now been downsized, reorganized and renamed as the Department of Recreation and Janet Dellet (Adams), who was the director of the Tonya Keller Community Center in North Middletown, was promoted to lead the new recreation department for the township and Pam Brightbill has been busy on the Planning Board and a few committees such as the Middletown Day Planning Committee. Her volunteerism has kept busy and floating around the hallways of Town Hall and Department of Recreation complex over at Croydon Hall, driving people crazy. So much so, that Janet Dellet’s job performance as head of Recreation is now being scrutinized after only a couple of months into the job and much of what she does is questioned by township administrators.

Do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that Janet Dellet is pregnant and will be going on maternity leave next month? There are some that think so. Especially since administrators won't tell anyone what the plan is for coverage while she is on maternity leave.

So why do you think people are so tight lipped and won’t give Janet Dellet or anyone else, any clues as to who will be taking over her duties as the Director of Recreation in her absence? The reason being I’m told is because Pam Brightbill will be covering for Dellet while she is on maternity leave.

It has been said that Pam is persistent when she wants something and eventually gets what she wants and she really wants to head the Department of Recreation; she has wanted to head the department for a long time.

I was told that she is the one responsible for talking the Township Committee into laying off all the employees in the Parks and Recreation Department last year because she didn't care for Gregg Silva, even though the programs sponsored by Parks and Recreation kept the department in the black and paid the salaries of  its employees. Brightbill couldn’t rightfully get him fired so she made his job as difficult as possible and waited for him to screw up so that she could take over for him one day.

Now that Janet Dellet will be leaving on maternity leave soon, Pam will have her chance to head the Recreation Department just like she has longed for.  The only question is will her reign be short lived and over as soon as Dellet comes back from her leave or will it be extended for some unforeseen reason? For Dellet’s sake, I hope that it is the latter.


Anonymous said...

Legally the job has to be held open, or temporarily filled, so Ms. Dellet can return to it, if she so chooses, after her maternity leave expires. The logical temporary replacement would be Ms. O'Brien, Director of the Midletown Arts Center. She could be offered a one time bonus to cover the additional workload and responsiblities. Or, promote Ms. O'Brien to manage both the MAC and the Recreation Department, if Ms. Dellet chooses not to return, and hire an assistent director to manage the MAC -- cost for a director and an assistant has to be less than the cost of two directors.

Pam Brightbill lacks the experience and background to fill the position -- nowhere in her reume does she exhibit any management experience that would qualify her to supervise and direct the daily and yearly workings of the the Recreation Department. It would be a pure patronage appointment similar to the one given to Parkinson at the Sewerage Authority. There are qualified people in other towns (Colts Neck, Holmdel, etc.) that could be approached and interviewed for the position.

Maybe T. Fiore could use his experience as a summer recreation director as the basis for applying for the position?

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 9:33,

Everything you say makes perfect sense and it is hard to disagree with you but this is Middletown and Middletown takes care of their own.

And yes, Pam Brightbill isn't qualified to run the Department of Recreation which would make this appointment - temporary or otherwise - wrong.

Anonymous said...

Recreation Administrator for Seniors (Senior Center) requires a minimum of three years of experience developing and administering programs for the elderly: the Senior Center is just part of the overall recreation program.

I don't know what Ms. Dellet's background and experience (resume) is, but does she qualify for the position that she currrently holds?

Go to Middletown's website and click on employment (local) and follow it from there, until you get to county job descriptions.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to bet $500 that Janet Dellet goes nowhere and Pam Brightbill never works a single day in Middletown Township? Step right up if you'd like.

I'd love to know what "halls" you heard this complete nonsense from. Not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Pam, Pam, Pam..... and you talked about Pat Parkinson....
at least he knows what he's doing. Little short on people skills, but business end he's good. Why don't you be a big girl and go get a job on your own credentials like the rest of us?!!!

Anonymous said...

Well well what a tangled web we weave...I hope they realize that if mess with a pregnant woman, they are asking for trouble. But the township has screwed over their employees before and they don't care. Yes they were right to get rid of Silva, he did this town wrong by many peoples opinion. Everyone knows he was forced into retirement. But to get rid of the staff that obviously worked so hard was rotten. I know one woman was laid off in the 1st round of layoffs and she is still unemployed. Don't these people have a conscience????? These people have families! Pam Brightbill can't be trusted! She can no more run that department then she can run a race. Well the township will pay for their mistakes. They should wise up, November is coming and people are not happy with what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Well well what a tangled web we weave...I hope they realize that if mess with a pregnant woman, they are asking for trouble. But the township has screwed over their employees before and they don't care. Yes they were right to get rid of Silva, he did this town wrong by many peoples opinion. Everyone knows he was forced into retirement. But to get rid of the staff that obviously worked so hard was rotten. I know one woman was laid off in the 1st round of layoffs and she is still unemployed. Don't these people have a conscience????? These people have families! Pam Brightbill can't be trusted! She can no more run that department then she can run a race. Well the township will pay for their mistakes. They should wise up, November is coming and people are not happy with what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Well it won't happen now! Apparently the jig is up! What dirt does Mrs. Brightbill have on you Republican boys? We all know you can't stand her and oh so rightfully so!!!

Anonymous said...

Pam knows how unproductive the Middletown organization -- administrative and elected -- is and who is responsible for the mismanagement that forced the T.C. to take $500,000 from the library surplus and to accept a gift of $700,000 from the Sewerage Authority (fees paid by taxpayers that technically do not have to be returned to the Sewerage Authority) to supplement overall revenues for fiscal years 2011 and 2010.

Anonymous said...

Pat Parkinson is just one year, maybe less, from retiring to a home in North Carolina where he will see less in taxes, which means that his New Jersey pension paid for with our tax dollars will not help our local economy.

Anonymous said...

Other credible employee rumors by Middletown Mike:

Tony Mercantante is being forced out by the Republicans and heading to Trenton to work for Bob Czech.

Pam Brightbill is taking Gregg Silva's job.

Steve Massell is not going to be allowed to run again this year.

I'm sure there are a few more great ones that I am forgetting but I ask, has he ever been right?

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 5:14,

Yeah, it's funny what happens when you let the "cat out of the bag", plans change.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:14...did anyone ever tell you,you are a pain in the A$$ ? A big one. Go on over to MMM with your constant crap now that your buddy is out of jail.

We're sick to death of your righteousness,blow hard !!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:04

Ms. Pam was on the T.C. When that money was needed from the library and the S.A. and she also was on the committee when they picked her buddy Mercantante to be the Administrator. Hiring that Management Firm to find the "best" person for the job was just another snow job and a waste of tax payers money. They were giving the job to him the whole time. Come in the entire state of NJ we need to go to out Town Planner for an Administrator...REALLY?
Don't try to backpedal now......

Legion said...

Don't you ever get tired of spreading gossip? Doesn't it bother you to unfairly savage someone who is new in their position and pregnant at that?

You can pretend all you want that you are some kind of "journalist," but you're nothing but a liar and a bully, spreading rumors and not even bothering to attempt to get facts to back them up.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

And the hypocrisy of those who post here? As unbelieveable as your "scoops!"

Crying about the employees from the Parks Department who were laid off? Aren't you the same crowd that screams about tax increases? The same crowd that complains about money from the Library? I thought so.

Well, what other department provides discretionary services, services that are not either required by law or involve public safety? Parks is the only place, and that was why that tough choice was made.

Where do y'all think that the money to pay for things comes from if not from taxes which you scream about?

Maybe you can ask Mikey to pull some cash out of the same orifice where he puls his "scoops" from and the town could use that money to restore the Parks employees...

Anonymous said...

Remember Tony was related to Judy also. Nothing in this town is done by the book....it's always incestuous patronage or BS. Could use a dose of integrity big time.

Anonymous said...

Kinda got your facts wrong,Legion. It's not Pam who is pregnant and Mike had no criticism of the gal who is and is going to need a maternity leave.

Go soak your head over on MMM where your friggin self righteous BS might be more welcome.

Anonymous said...

Legion let me correct you on one very important point those of us who were laid off in P and R took our jobs seriously! Our events were paid for by the participants! And no I am not crying about taxes you foolish person, people like me who were unjustly let go are "screaming" because it is difficult to find a job to get the money to pay the taxes! So don't be so quick to cast the 1st stone! Some one may just throw it back at you some day!

Just so you know I have been devastated since I lost my job, I also have a child with a catastrophic illness and no health care, so when you walk a mile in my shoes then we will talk but until then, unless you get your facts from those of us who were let go....SHUT UP!

Anonymous said...

The liars and the bullies are the Middletown republicans and Legion is certainly one of that CROWD of hypocritical morons . Make no mistake about that.

Anonymous said...

Legion you make no sense! Go back and read the blog and the comments again....
You are obviously so one sided that you can't even see what's going on and nothing was saved by cutting the employees the programs and paid events and trips paid for themselves or made money. As a matter of fact the programs that were kept like the Swim Club (before it was sold), the MAC, the Summer Recreation Program, The Just For Toddlers and the Tonya Keller Community Center were all money losers and they are still running and costing the town money you fool.

Anonymous said...

Where did Mike savage a pregnant woman? Does Pam have a bun in the oven?

Legion said...

Anonymous at 8:06

First, let me say that I understand and sympathize with the problems you have experienced in being laid off - I have been there.

I don't know a lot about the Parks budget, but it was there, taxpayer money was going to pay salaries and other expenses. Savings were realized in eliminating those positions, so I don't believe that the notion that recreation programs "paid for parks employees salaries" is correct at all, but I would be willing to be shown that in the budget. Yes, programs have been cut, but that goes back to what I said before, those programs are discretionary. I am sorry you lost your job, but it is what it is, and those ARE the facts.

Also, Mike takes a direct swipe at Ms. Dellet, implying that her decisions are being questioned and that she is going to be replaced. What proof does he have of that besides some rumor mongering?

Let him offer some corroboration of this nonsense or apologize to Ms. Dellet, who has only just started her job and is doing a good job.

Anonymous said...

Pam Brightbill's a little old for a bun in the oven, even though she doesn't always act mature in public.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Mike, I think Pam is waiting for Pat Parkinson's job to open up. Why settle on a temporary job as director of recreation when she can just sit tight and wait out this year to step into the job as Director of the Sewerage Authority. We all know she is qualified for that position as she did serve as mayor of Middletown.

MiddletownMike said...


If I intended to take a swipe at Janet Dellet it would have been obvious, outright and leave no question to my intentions.

I stand by what I posted, the people that passed along the information have direct knowledge of the situation and I'll leave it at that.

If you chose to disbelieve what's posted that's your choice just as it is the choice of others to believe what I have written.

Anonymous said...


Didn't you know your comments would be twisted and purposely "misunderstood" by the readers of this blog? Unless they really are so obtuse that they truly DID misunderstand your words. I can't speak for Legion, but I can tell you my take on his remarks:

1) He's referring to Janet being pregnant, not Pam. Duh.

2) He never said any of you laid-off P&R people didn't take your jobs seriously. Honestly 8:06 AM, that's quite a stretch! I feel bad that your department was decimated, but what Legion said was true: a tough choice was made.

3) The commenters here ARE always banging the same drum about high taxes and the committee being inept and spending too much money. So they do some lay-offs to cut the budget and the same commenters are banging another drum about that. Don't criticize Legion for pointing that out - just read MM for a few years and you'll see that it's true. Those two issues are obviously favored topics for the MM audience.

Forgetting about Legion now, let me air my own opinion on this "news story": when I read it, I was surprised that Mike would've posted it. How do you think Janet Dellet feels reading something like this about her new position? Not to mention discussing her pregnancy in the public arena. This isn't news, it's gossip and I don't feel it's appropriate for public consumption. For God's sake, you're talking about human beings and their feelings. What do you think this is, a reality show?

Anonymous said...

I believe it's Mrs. Dellett. Talk about insulting someone, you can't even get the obvious correct.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:49

I think besides you, everyone else knows they were kidding about Pam being pregnant. DUH

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:49,

Wow, talk about nit-picking!

According to Wikipedia:

In business, "Ms." is the standard default title for women until or unless an individual makes another preference known, and this default is also becoming more common socially in metropolitan areas. The default use of Ms. is also championed by a number of etiquette writers, including Judith Martin (a.k.a. "Miss Manners").

Anonymous said...

Dear Legion and everyone who commented on my post

Thank you understanding the situation I am in. I was "bumped" out of my position by a co-worker who was retiring in 6 months then I would have a job again. That employee retired and they never called me for that position. They were wrong. They knew the lay offs were coming and that I was losing my job and 3 months prior to this there was a vacancy in my dept (which fell under the auspices of P & R). They never asked me to interview for it they hired from the outside. They were wrong in doing that. I was not even given the customary 45 days notice they gave me 9 days to pack up my years at the township. My "Boss" kept saying i was safe my job was saved! what a bunch of crap that was!!!! I was devastated!

Let me be clear the township has a policy and procedures manual that states in part that if an employee is slated for lay off the township will fill vacancies from with in the department. I have no ill will for the employee that was hired or that retired this has nothing to do with them it is not their doing. This has to do with the Town not following through with their own procedures!

Also this comment: "Savings were realized in eliminating those positions, so I don't believe that the notion that recreation programs "paid for parks employees salaries" is correct at all, but I would be willing to be shown that in the budget. Yes, programs have been cut, but that goes back to what I said before, those programs are discretionary. I am sorry you lost your job, but it is what it is, and those ARE the facts."

All I said was programs in Parks and Rec were self sustaining! Not that they covered our salaries. If you must know, we ran on a very limited budget no o.t. and we were asked to take comp whenever possible! We also rotated events so we didn't run with a full staff.

Another point those salaries were eliminated to provide for the new hires in other depts. making 6 figure salaries. Not to mention the hiring of "higher ups" relatives. Oh that is very true here in Middletown~

So take this information for what it is worth, I stand by my word and I again mean to offend no one. I am simply stating the fact as I know it.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't she be "Ms. Manners" then.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59 . Apparently Middletown makes their own rules and when they get caught or questioned, they DENY DENY DENY.
Eventually it will catch up with them. It happened in the past and it will happen again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:06,

I'm referring to 8:03 AM's comment. Sounds like they totally misunderstood Legion's remark. Of course I know everyone else is kidding about Pam being pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Government in Middletown IS REALITY SHOW. A BAD ONE.


Anonymous said...

Legion, when you congratulate yourself in a post under an Anonymous name, you should at least change the writing style. You're getting rusty.

Anonymous said...

Becareful what you say mike, it could bite you in the ass...


Anonymous said...

Speaking about being careful of what you say,practice what you preach,Legion,Legally Here,Brownsugar,Imemine, Cons1234,Dig1129,Stopthesocialista,JetFan69,Village Greener,Middletown Resident and on and on cheerleader.

Pedal your sickening BS elsewhere or don't they want anything to do with you anymore ?

Legion said...

Perhaps Ms. Dellet and/or Ms. Brightbill should hire an attorney to "discuss" Mike's defmatory statements with him, hmmm?

Are there any lawyers in New Jersey? (That's a joke, son, that's a joke...)

Anonymous said...

Intimidation is the only tool in the toolbox used by the morons in the local Republican party.

Just more of that crap from Legion,the worst these characters have to offer, who has nothing better to do !!

Anonymous said...

Did you know the sewerage authority had a special closed board meeting on May 2 and they won't tell anyone what that meeting was about even though they are required to by law....

Anonymous said...

If anything Mike was sticking up for Ms.Dellett and he might have even just saved her job because the Republicans surely won't give Pam Brightbill what she wants know that the word is out.

Legion said...

Anon at 9:35

If what you stated actually happened, THAT would be news, and should be investigated and reported on.

Notice that Mikey hasn't posted anything at all about that, instead chooses to spread gossip initiated by people with an axe to grind for the sole purpose of defaming a former elected official and current employee of the Township.

Great work Mike!

Anonymous said...

Not so BrightBill, if they want to lose votes, which I do not think they Would want, BrightBill should be finished

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59 PM,
Who were the relative that were hired and who are the people that were hired into more expensive management positions that were paid for by layoffs in P&R?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a shame that NO ONE in government in Middletown can ever seem to possess any integrity or be capable of plain and simple honesty with the residents and taxpayers in this town. Common decency seems to escape every one of those elected and many of those hired to serve this community.

Politics in town is a rotten, to it's very core, game with the reigning republican party and the integrity challenged members of that party.

Anonymous said...

look to those wh were hired in other departments like those in the Johnson Gill Building and for sure in the Public works Department they are relatives of the assistant administrator. Now I have heard and not sure if it is true but, all people that have been hired know someone in a "high" position and that is how they obtained employment. Past employees were not asked back, Powers that be want their own people in place. So sad if the later is true.

Anonymous said...

Middletown stinks worse than the county landfill......rotten,greedy politics have ruined what was once a decent town.

Political Anomaly said...

What is so funny here is that you all feed into the GOSSIP and can't seem to grasp any hard FACTS.

Mike - It is really sad to see you pulling at straws like this. None of what you hear ever comes true, I don't know why you continue to believe these "rumors" that you hear. Maybe you are listening to the wrong people...

Maybe its time you take a lesson from Rita Mae Brown or Albert Einstien, whoever you subscribe to-

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

Mike, You keep telling everyone the rumors you hear, but none of them ever come true, ever heard of the boy who cried wolf...

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:15 PM -

Watch those accusations there, pardner. I'm a Township employee and I didn't know a soul when I was hired. Just sent in a resume, had an interview, and got the job.
I had no connections whatsoever. I'm proud of the work I do. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

12:14 Anonymous......Ever hear of the cheerleader who writes under a host of phoney names.... you sound like a twin of that vicious,razor tongued ,condescending broad !