Friday, April 13, 2012

Frank Pallone's Statement on Decision Not To Sign Executive Order Prohibitin​g LGBT Workplace Discrimina​tion for Federal Contractor​s

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congressman Frank Pallone issued the following statement today regarding the White House’s decision against signing an executive order that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT workers:

“I’m disappointed that, at this time, the Administration has decided not issue an executive order prohibiting contractors from receiving federal funds unless they have sexual orientation and gender identity anti-discrimination policies in place.

“Nobody should have to work in a hostile work environment where they are discriminated against based on their gender identity or sexual orientation, particularly when their job is being funded by federal dollars. Congress needs to work to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, however, signing an executive order is a step that could be taken now to make sure that federal dollars do not go to contractors without strong policies prohibiting discrimination in the workplace.

“I encourage the Administration to reconsider its position on signing an executive order to protect LGBT employees and I remain committed to working in Congress to make sure that all Americans are free to work without the threat of harassment or discrimination regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

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