Sunday, April 15, 2012

Former President Of The Middletown Library Board of Trustees, Randall Gabrielan To Be Honored At April 18th Meeting

by guest blogger Linda Baum

At its upcoming April 18th meeting, the Middletown Library Board will present former Board president and 25-year trustee Randall Gabrielan with a plaque commemorating his quarter century of service.
Randall Gabrielan
The presentation will be made at 7:00 p.m. at the Library’s main branch on New Monmouth Road in Middletown. Thereafter, a duplicate of the plaque will be on display at the Library.

In my March 19th post, I mentioned that the Board had voted in February to rename the Library’s New Jersey room in Mr. Gabrielan’s honor, but that the dedication required approval from the Township. I learned at the Board’s March 21st meeting that the Township has declined the request based on a policy not to dedicate any premises to living recipients. Or at least that was the reason given.

In my March 19th post, I also addressed the issues in the matter of Mr. Gabrielan’s resignation from the Board this February. To summarize, this was about a technical violation -- Mr. Gabrielan’s signature as both trustee and vendor on a purchase order for several history books. Had his signature as trustee been left off, the order would have been processed without it, and there would not have been an issue.

In his resignation letter, Mr. Gabrielan took the opportunity to express his love and dedication to our library, to commend its talented leadership, and to express pride in the accomplishments of the boards on which he has served.

Please mark your calendar for April 18th.


Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, you still fail to realize that if Randy did no wrong he would not have resigned. You fail to realize that he resigned because he was afraid of the prosecutor and the DGLS punishment had he not resigned.

Running for office and backing people with obvious disregard for the law is not very becoming of a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Let's step back for a second from the witch hunt way of thinking. Take this recent piece, for example. Last year we were appalled at the Brookdale/Burnham scandal, and among those let go along with him was the head of BCC Athletics, Frank Lawrence. At the time I'd assumed that it had to do with some possible construction scam, since I'd seen extensive, expensive projects going on around and in the Arena there. I figured maybe the guy'd gotten a kickback. But I was wrong in my assumption. The truth comes out here, a year later, when a judge said he should have his job back. It all had to do with a tournament, and should $200 be taxed or not. Read the comments too - learn about it. Look at what's trivial and non-scrupulous rather than jumping to major and conniving type judgmental accusations. Likewise, Mr. Gabrielan never had an agenda other than to make our library top-notch and a gem of our town. He found himself in the spotlight of a political witch hunt and left the Library Board rather than be a victim of a fevered frenzy. None of us were his victims. We were the recipients of his professional hard work and dedication. We're not talking about thousands of dollars nor are we talking about con men. These are great people, so knock it off. This isn't Salem Massachusetts. Let's get in the proper century and clean up our way of thinking of others. I'm talking to both sides. Let's do what's best for our neighbors and those we live with and run into all the time. Be proud of our town. Recognize those who've put forth longtime effort.

Disguted with sick politics in Middletown said...

Anonymous11:31 should tell that to anonymous 8:23 of 4/15. That diatribe appears all to often in defense of the ridiculous republican antics that are posted here because of politics. Sick,God awful republican slander and venom!!


Legion said...

Mr. Gabrielan chose to resign. He did that himself, perhaps because he became aware that the former treasurer was going to resign, which would have left him with a new majority on the Library Board and not, therefore, in control.

There must have been something that convinced him to change his stance from open defiance of the TC to meekly quitting, leaving the Library to the new majority.

We'll never know what that "something" was unless he chooses to discuss it, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that.

Having said that, his service SHOULD be honored and a plaque is a good way to do that, a very derving honor.

Anonymous said...

"We'll never know what that "something" was unless he chooses to discuss it, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that."

Gee, that sounds just like the line they used when Dr. Shallop was pushed to resign. Anyone see a pattern?

Somehow good men with not a hint of wrongdoing in their past become criminal suspects when they brush up against Legions of local liars.

Legion said...

Next time you "connect the dots," you should probably ask your Mommy to help you...

There is a vast difference between the School Board declining to renew the contract of a high school principal and a member of the all volunteer Library Board resigning. Can you guess what that difference is?

Thats right! One resigned and one was not rehired.

Also right, one was a volunteer and one was an employee.

One chooses to keep the reason he was let go private (which is his right, btw), and one gave a reason he resigned that doesn't quite pass the sniff test...

However, in both cases the reasoning for the actions taken are being kept quiet by the individuals themselves, and NOT by the School Board or the TC.

But hey, go ahead and believe that these incidents are all a part of some "evil plot to control Middletown..."


Disguted with sick politics in Middletown said...

Slick tongues and vicious lies are the weapons of weaklings and morons.

Middletown township has an abundance of such people in the Republican ranks. Legion is a classic example of that description,hiding behind some facade. Integrity is no strong point with the likes of this character. Should practice what "it" preaches.

Slimy,dirty,rotten politics rule in this township. Stoop to any depth or character assassination, just win at any cost.

Really think the people like this despicable crap?? Think again.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that Mr. Gabrielan's books are the highest circulating non-fiction books at the Middletown Library, and they help students complete homework assignments given on the history of Middletown, by Middletown's teachers, year in and year out.

Also, it's often the only place for the students to get said books because most schools in Middletown do not have school libraries in them.

Is it because Middletown is too cheap, or is it because the town (and it's political party) is REGRESSIVE, anti-intellectual and partisan?

You make the call...

Anonymous said...

Randal Gabrielan is a Middletown Gem who has served his community with dignity and class. We are a better community because of him.
As for the sleaze that permeates political cesspool within our governing body...the dysfunction is nauseating....

Anonymous said...

Randy resigned because he didn't want to go to court about issue, and he recognized that the Rep party would likely stop at nothing to remove him. In fact, a leader of the party in town told him, point blank, that he had made enemies in the party when he argued against the township demand that the library give the township money from its surplus last year. They were angry that he didn' just fall in line, while he did what he thought was best for the library, as any good trustee should. He was told that the committee was going to work to remove him. So they went digging for dirt, and we all know the rest of the story. Oh, no? Well, the story ends that if you disagree, even if you're compelled to do so as a TRUSTEE, you're out. And if you don't go quietly, they'll try to ruin your reputation and get you fired from your job. Anyone who doesn't get that is naive. Stand up for fairness this fall and vote.

Anonymous said...


Xerox said...

Gabrielan is just mad he can't make free copies anymore! hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

this xerox,legion,republican moron is nuttier than a fruit cake !!

Middletown is full of them...

Anonymous said...

Here, here !!!

I'm with Anonymous 8:23 on this one.
Mr. Gabrielan has served Monmouth County, and may of its organizations with distinction and honor.

Present proof of your RepubliCAN'T accusations, and I shall give you all the honor you deserve.