Saturday, July 16, 2011

President Obama's Weekly Adress 7/16/11: A Unique Opportunity to Secure our Fiscal Future

WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Obama called on both parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving our nation’s deficit problem. The President emphasized the importance of compromise and shared sacrifice so that we can overcome our fiscal challenges and move our country forward. To get our fiscal house in order, we must cut spending, but we must also close tax loopholes for special interests and ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. Through cooperation and a bipartisan approach, we can get our economy on firmer ground and give our businesses the confidence they need to create more jobs across the United States.


Anonymous said...

Looking to President Obama for fiscal restraint is like looking to Charlie Manson for advice on how to handle the crime problem. Obama and the Democrats are the problem; they are not part of the solution.

The National Debt Clock (in real time)

National Debt Up $3 Trillion in First Two Years of Obama's Watch

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data

MiddletownMike said...


spoken like a true misinformed TEA Partier who refuses to look in the mirror.

The national debt expolded under Reagan and George W. due to misguided policies and two wars (1 unnecessary) that the country couldn't pay for.

When Obama came into office the economy was in free fall and the banking industry was about to copllapse, spending was necessary to in order to keep the country (and World) from falling into a huge depression, larger than the one that started in 1929.

Anon 10:56,

watch the language in the future, have a little bit of decorum, or next time your comment doesn't get posted.

Disgusted and Unafiliated said...


Tell me how anyone can absorb the nonsense and drivel spouted by posters who only see one side of an issue and sound off like this Kelly specimen. Must be something wrong with the air or the water in Keansburg,Union Beach or Monroe.
Sounds similar to the drivel about calling people "trash" because of their earning ability on your article about Avaya.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but uneducated ones only insight replies as anony 10:56 gave. Enough about the President of these United States and how about some respect for the man and respect of the office he holds!

God save us .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous on 16 July 2011 at 10:56 AM, please know that, unlike yourself, I don't worship at the altar of political correctness. That said, does merely criticizing the President and/or his fiscal policies make me "a REPUBLICAN RACIST?" (your words and your CAPITAL LETTERS)

Middletown Mike, have you taken a look at the National Debt Clock recently?

The US National Debt Clock

Do you have any idea just how broke our nation AND our states are? Do you and your socialists friends really think that you can tax & spend others (us) into prosperity? Can you, in your envy, stop talking about millionaires for long enough to realize that we are facing a train wreck that the likes of Donald Trump and his ilk will and cannot solve? (e.g., You can take all of the millionaires money and we, as a nation, still can't pay our bills.)

Middletown Mike, WTF is your plan??

MiddletownMike said...


It's par for the course, everyone has an agenda and feels that they need to exploit it, myself included.

At time however it gets old and boarders on paranioa and needs to be addressed.


Anonymous said...

Put down the pipe, Middletown Mike. When you are broke, the last thing you should be doing is borrowing more money. That is exactly what Comrade Obama and his socialist (Democrat) Congress did during the first two years of his administration.

The Facts Speak For Themselves: Obama's Broken Promises

Incidentally, what is YOUR plan for recovery? Let me guess? Borrow and spend even more money that we don't have?

Disgusted and Unafiliated said...


Don't know whether you are 27 or 55 but you need some serious history lessons. The recession,the two wars,the bailout of Wall Street all belong to the republicans. President Obama inherited one heck of of a financial crisis. George W. Bush and company were reckless and irresponsible with lives and money !

It's is easy to point fingers and evade responsibility but grow up... nothing going on in this world is totally the fault of one human being . The current problem with raising the debt ceiling needs intelligent solutions,not political,rhetorical nonsense. All these politicians should decide to represent the people of this nation,all of them regardless of party affiliation, or they should gather up their marbles AND GO HOME!

They just prove how dangerous ideology can be when they refuse to negotiate a settlement that protects the stature of this nation in the world. That is the truth of the matter !!!! That is the BOTTOM LINE !!!

MiddletownMike said...


The National Debt Clock is bullshit much like the TEA Party is bullshit.

The TEA Party if funded by millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the middle-class.

Donald Trump is the last person I would ever worry about, the man filed for bankruptcy 3 times and screwed all his creditors and the costs were then transfered to people like you and I.

My plan would be to keep everyone working! The more you try and shrink the size of government, the more you add to the problem. more people out of work means less money pumped into the economy.

It's a classic example of "Tickle Down" economics in reverse.