Friday, April 2, 2010

New Jersey Reform Party (NJRP) Press Release Announces "Perot Legacy" Discussion At Matawan Public Library

I remember back in 1992 when Ross Perot launched his Independent campaign for the presidency calling attention to the federal deficit, national debt, term limits and campaign finance reform. That summer when Bill Clinton secured that Democratic nomination Perot was enjoying a slim lead in the opinions polls.

Then all hell broke lose when Perot dropped out of the race accusing the Republicans of trying to plot against him by planning to sabotage his daughters wedding.

When he eventually re-entered the presidential race later that fall it was to late, to many people had become disillusioned with Perot and he couldn't overcome the label of "quitter". he ended up with 19% of the vote that November which effective gave the race to Bill Clinton and left others to wonder what might have been if Perot had won.

Those that wondered what might have been if Perot had actually won the presidency eventually formed the "Reform Party".

Since that time the Reform Party has had it's ups and downs and has had its share of growing pains that nearly killed it, but through it all the party survived.

So earlier this week when I received a press release from the New Jersey Reform Party which announced that there would be a discussion at the Matawan Public Library to discuss the "Perot Legacy" and how through his efforts, the Reform Party was formed, I was intrigued and seriously thinking about attending:

For immediate release

For Further Information contact:
Jake Zychick
cell phone: (201) 248-7525

Radio Personality Pat Benjamin to Discuss “Perot Legacy” at Matawan Library

The Reform Party of New Jersey is proud to present an afternoon with author and radio personality Pat Benjamin at the Matawan Library on April 10th, 2010 at 1:00pm. Benjamin is the host of WNJC Radio’s "The Independent Voice" and author of "The Perot Legacy."

In 1992, feisty Texan billionaire H. Ross Perot's independent presidential campaign inspired a generation of activists to challenge the two-party system. In 1996, he formed the Reform Party of the United States to champion fiscal responsibility. Author Pat Benjamin was onboard from the beginning, and her 2007 book documents Perot's political revolution.

While Perot has since withdrawn from the political landscape, his message is as relevant today as it was a decade ago. The Reform Party has lived on, championing his cause of fiscal responsibility, political reform, and open politics, nominating candidates such as Eric Eidsness, Jesse Ventura, and Pat DiNizio.

As Ross Perot himself has said:

"In the 1990's, my campaigns as an independent presidential candidate gave a voice to millions of Americans who had been left out of the partisan political process. These people wanted-and still want-to contribute to their country and make America better for their children and grandchildren. [“The Perot Legacy”] is their story.”

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Pat Benjamin will appear at the Matawan Library (165 Main Street, Matawan, NJ) on April 10th, 2010 at 1:00pm. The afternoon will also include a screening of "Ross Perot: Straight Talk."

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