Friday, October 4, 2024

Patch: Meet Mike Morris, Running For Middletown Township Committee

 The Middletown Patch has posted my Candidate profile, a simple Q&A that consists of several inquiring questions that Middletown residents should find interesting. I'm going to post a snippet of the online publication here and encourage you all to follow the link to finish the article. 

My only gripe (and it's minor) with this article is that regardless of how many times its pointed out that Tony Perry, like myself, is running for a seat on the Township Committee, where if reelected, he can be appointed once again as Mayor. It always seem to come across as if we're both running for Mayor. Middletown does not elect it's own Mayor. The person assuming the mayorship is  appointed to the position by the other four sitting members of the Township Committee... Rant over 😊 

Here is a little bit of what i had to say: 

Give a brief bio on yourself. Age, education, occupation. 

 I’ve lived and raised my family in Middletown for 34 years. I’ve stood up for working-class taxpayers, special-needs families, affordability and transparency in government. Since 2008 my watchdog blog “MiddletownMike” has kept residents informed about township policies, issues and events. I am a proud graduate of Brookdale Community College and have worked in the chemical industry for 30 years. 

Why are you running? 

 Middletown's government lacks a clear vision for our town's future. They rely on outdated strip malls and large developments without a strategy for organic growth. We need better commuting options, including walkability, bike lanes and transit connectivity. But, instead of addressing traffic congestion, the Township Committee keeps building car-dependent communities.

Growth is inevitable, but how we manage it defines our future. We can't grow sustainably without attracting new residents and businesses. Unfortunately, Middletown has an affordability problem: Young professionals, working-class families and seniors are being priced out. There are no more affordable housing options for those that wish to stay in our community. 

The annual reassessment of Township property values has driven massive tax increases for the average homeowner. According to Middletown's CFO, the average property assessment has risen 47 percent over the past five years. That’s great if you're about to sell your home. If not, the tax increases associated with it will put you into the poorhouse! 

Despite higher taxes, we're getting less value. Brush and leaf collection has been reduced, storm clean-up is lacking, our roads and sidewalks are in terrible condition. We can do better! We must commit to fixing our broken streets and sidewalks to promote and restore our walkable neighborhoods. 

Can you pinpoint any failures on the Middletown Township Committee in the past few years — specifically point to things you would have done differently? What do you see are mistakes they've made in running the Township? 

Over the years its been the perception that the Township Committee is more interested in maintaining the status quo than actually leading. Instead of looking forward to the future and embracing the changing world around us, its members look to the antiquated past of days gone by. Instead of living in the 21st century, they look back to the last century and yearn for the days of the 1950s. They are reactionary as opposed to visionary....

You can finish reading on the Middletown Patch

Team Pallone: It's Frank 30s


We all know Frank Pallone as one of the most effective Members of Congress. That’s why it's important to  spread the word about the Congressman’s accomplishments and making sure that  nothing is left  on the field this upcoming election. 

Frank Pallone are working for accessible health care, taking on price gouging, fighting to make housing more affordable, and advocating for the environment.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Young Democrats Support Mike Morris


I am happy to accept the support and endorsement of the New Jersey Young Democrats! And before anyone says anything, yes, 59 is still young in today's day and age 😄

NJ Spotlight: A conversation with Matthew Jenkins, NJ District 4 Democratic candidate


NJ Spotlight News Senior Digital Projects Editor Colleen O’Dea sits down with New Jersey’s District 4 Democratic candidate Matthew Jenkins. 

 NJ Decides 2024 Election Exchange is a political podcast series that gives New Jersey voters insight into the candidates running for Congress this November. NJ Spotlight News Anchor Briana Vannozzi, Senior Political Correspondent David Cruz, and Senior Digital Projects Editor Colleen O’Dea sit down with candidates for one-on-one candid conversations about the issues impacting the Garden State. 


Hate Group Endorses Middletown BOE Member for Re-election

 Before casting your ballot this year for the Middletown Board of Education(BOE), you should be aware that a long time member of the BOE who is seeking reelection, Joan Minnuies, has been endorsed by the New Jersey Project.  This should raise a few red flags and give pause to anyone looking to cast a vote for Minnuies.


 The Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC) has labeled the antigovernment organization New Jersey Project as a hate group, defining the New Jersey Project as, "Antigovernment groups are part of the antidemocratic hard-right movement. They believe the federal government is tyrannical, and they traffic in conspiracy theories about an illegitimate government of leftist elites seeking a “New World Order.” In addition to groups that generally espouse these ideas, the movement is composed of sovereign citizens, militias, overt conspiracy propagandists and constitutional sheriff groups. In the past, this movement was referred to as the “Patriot” movement by adherents and critics."

Can you imagine being endorsed for office by a hate group and supporting that person? I guess you could if you're a Republican that supports Donald Trump.

Another reason why people should have second thoughts about supporting Joan Minnuies for re-election is the troubling accusations brought against her by a Township resident, accusing Minnuies of bullying and berating the resident's intellectually disabled son.  According to an online petition that has been signed by over 1500 people, seeking Minnuiess' removal from the BOE and General Election ballot, "Minnuies' intolerable behavior towards vulnerable individuals raises serious concerns about her suitability to sit on the Middletown Board of Education. Those entrusted with such influential positions have the responsibility to advocate for the wellbeing of all students, including those with intellectual and developmental differences. Individuals like Minnuies who display blatant disregard for the feelings and welfare of others, arguably are not fit for these positions. This matter has been brought to all members of the Board of Education with no responses...

It should be noted as it pertains her the accusations of bullying, Joan Minnuies is on record, both recently and in the past, of voting against or abstaining from various bullying measure that the BOE has tried to enact. It's really disgraceful.

Joan Minnuies has been a member of the Middletown Board of Education for longer than I can remember. During her tenure she has been nothing but controversial. There is not one former BOE member that I know (and I know over a dozen) that has anything constructive to say about her. She has been described as hard to work with, untrustworthy and only out for herself. She has also had a number of ethical complaints filed against her by fellow BOE members in the past.  

Joan's time has come and gone, she doesn't deserve another term as a member of the Middletown Board of Education, we don't need more hate! It's time to move on.

I for one will not be supporting her and I hope others feel the same.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Vote 411 Candidate Profile

 If you want to know a little about myself and the issues that I feel are import for Middletown voters to be concerned over then I suggest checking out my Candidate Profile available at VOTE411.ORG

For those curious, I answered the following 4 questions concerning Middletown below are partial answers to these questions. Hit the Candidate Profile link above to read my complete answers:  

1. What are the major challenges facing the community, and how would you propose to face these challenges if elected? 

 Middletown's government lacks a clear vision for our town's future. There is no strategy for organic growth; We need better commuting options, including walkability, bike lanes, and transit connectivity. Growth is inevitable, but how we manage it defines our future. We can't grow sustainably without attracting new residents and businesses. Unfortunately, Middletown has an affordability problem: young professionals, working-class families, and seniors are being priced out. There is no more affordable housing options for those that wish to stay in our community....

 2. How has your personal and professional expirience prepared you to serve in the municipal government? 

I’ve lived and raised my family in Middletown for 34 years. I’ve stood up for working class taxpayers, special needs families, affordability and transparency in government. Since 2008 my watchdog blog “MiddletownMike” has kept residents informed about township policies, issues and events. Working in the Chemical industry has prepared me to expect the unexpected and prepare for the 'what if'.  

 3. What polices, if any, would you pursue to help mitigate the effects of climate change and promote and preserve environmental quality in the community? 

Unlike many naysayers, I believe that climate change is real. I believe that we have to rely on science and commonsense to help alleviate its impact on our environment. We need to embrace Green technologies like solar & wind power, alternative fuels and green building practices. The Township's Planning and Zoning boards need to place an emphasis on sustainability when approving projects or development...

4.  If elected, how would you address the issue of affordable housing in the community? 

 As stated already, I believe Middletown has an affordability problem. There are no more affordable housing options for those that wish to stay in our community; young professionals, working-class families, and seniors are being priced out of our community. The annual reassessment of township property values has driven massive tax increases for the average homeowner. According to Middletown's CFO, the average property assessment has risen 47% over the past five years....   

Endorsed by Garden State Equality


Yesterday, I'm proud to announce I've received the endorsement of Garden State Equality! I am proud of my support for the LGBTQ+ community and will alway advocate for and fight for its acceptance.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump’s Trainwreck


National Review: “If you’re obsessing over how bad, how in the tank for Kamala Harris, the two ABC 
news moderators were, it’s because you don’t want to come to grips with the brute fact that Donald Trump was a disaster last night. He was unhinged, often incoherent, incapable of completing thoughts and sentences when he had points to make, and led into self-absorbed rabbit-holes — claims that he won the 2020 election, the size of his rallies, whether ‘migrants’ are eating stolen pets — that diverted him from opportunity after opportunity to expose Harris as a radical leftist now pretending to be a pragmatic centrist who suddenly loves her some guns. 

” “Trump had one job: stay on message about Harris’s dizzying renunciations of her positions — so inexplicable that Harris has dribbled them out through nameless campaign sources rather than addressed them in her own voice…”

 “Trump couldn’t do it. And yes, that’s largely because he is an undisciplined solipsist so effortlessly drawn into railing about rally attendance when the subject at hand is Harris’s indefensible border record — and if you think last night’s target audience cares whether the interlocutor steering Trump off course was Harris or the moderators, then you’re missing the point.”

 “But there’s more to it than that. Trump also couldn’t stick to deconstructing Harris’s ‘values’ bunk because his own values are always negotiable.”  -

Monday, September 2, 2024

Lincoln Project: State Line

 Project 2025 and its evil architects envision an America where women will be monitored, prosecuted, and jailed for exercising their own bodily autonomy. We are not going back!

Happy Labor Day


“It was working men and women who made the 20th century the American century. It was the labor movement that helped secure so much of what we take for granted today.” — Barack Obama

 “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” — Dale Carnegie 

 “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” — Gail Devers

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Lincoln Project: One Old Man

There's only one person in this race now with mental problems,one person with memory problems, one person feeling the icy hand of death from old age creeping closer one person who knows the clock is running out, and that's old Donald Trump


Sunday, July 21, 2024

NJDSC Chair LeRoy J. Jones, Jr. Statement on President Joseph R. Biden

For Immediate Release

July 21, 2024

TRENTON, NJ: NJDSC Chair LeRoy J. Jones Jr., is releasing the following statement:

I’ve maintained from the outset that I believe President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has done historically tremendous work serving as our President these last four years. President Biden’s decision to step back and allow for the selection of a new candidate to represent the Democratic Party against Donald Trump is just the latest example of what it looks like when someone prioritizes public service over their own self-interest and places the needs of the country above all.

I would like to thank President Biden on behalf of New Jersey Democrats for his lifetime of service and for his unique ability to rise to the moment once again and allow us all to devote our collective focus to making sure we defeat Donald Trump in November. I cannot imagine how difficult it was for him to arrive at this decision.

Trump’s rambling, meandering “speech” as the standard bearer for the Republican Party at the Republican national convention has hopefully served to crystallize the clear and present danger he poses to our country and our very democracy.

With the world watching, Trump used his stage to praise dictators, demonize immigrants, and advance disproven lies about both election fraud and his multiple ongoing legal issues. He lied almost two dozen times about everything ranging from inflation and job creation to his deadly response to Covid, while also somehow finding a moment to praise a fictional movie cannibal. And, yet, Trump never touched upon Project 2025 and his desire to eliminate every woman’s right to determine her own health care.

It is long past time that we all devote our full energy to defeating Donald Trump and making sure we elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November, starting with Kamala Harris for President if she is selected as the nominee. This threat is real and it deserves everyone’s full focus. President Biden’s action today allowing us all to move forward should serve as the exclamation point on a truly extraordinary career of service to the American public. Now we need to come together and hold up our end as Democrats.

In President Biden’s own estimation, Vice President Harris has been a tremendous partner in the fight to put America back on the right track and if she successfully obtains the Party nomination then we need to organize behind her and do the work to deliver New Jersey. In fact, one of the things the New Jersey Democratic Party does best is win elections, so we are certainly looking forward to being part of this historic process in seeking to determine the full extent of our national Democratic ticket against Trump, Vance and the engineers of Project 2025. We also have many incredible candidates, like our own Senator Cory Booker, who could be excellent VP nominees. That said, no matter the candidate, New Jersey is prepared to deliver for the Democratic Party.

Congressman Pallone Statement on President Biden’s Decision to Step Down as Democratic Presidential Nominee

For Immediate Release
 July 21, 2024

 Contact: Victoria Bonney, 202-577-8541

 WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Frank Pallone (D-New Jersey) today issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election as the Democratic Presidential nominee: 

 “President Biden's decision to step back from the nomination reflects his selflessness as a leader. His legacy of putting his country first is underscored by more than fifty years of public service. I am grateful for his calm leadership while navigating the most challenging role on the planet, especially after four years of tumult and division sowed by Donald Trump. Now, our party must come together to defeat the authoritarian policies of the Republican nominee and ensure American democracy endures.”

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Quick Campaign Update


Hey there everyone,

People have been asking for a quick update on my campaign for Township Committee. 

My team and I have been meeting regularly over the past few weeks designing walkcards, mail pieces, yard signs and planning for a few fundraisers (campaigns are expensive!). It's taken quite a bit of time to do this and we should have our materials soon. We will start hitting the pavement within the next few weeks, knocking on doors and meeting residents. 

We will be coordination my campaign with those of  Congressman Pallone (CD-6), Congressional candidate, Matt Jenkins (CD-4) and County Commissioner candidate, Danielle Mastropiero so that we can get our combined messages out to Middletown residents as effectively and efficiently as possible.

We all are currently looking for volunteers to help in our campaigns, if you would like to get involved all you need to do is reach out to me >>> HERE