Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Vote 411 Candidate Profile

 If you want to know a little about myself and the issues that I feel are import for Middletown voters to be concerned over then I suggest checking out my Candidate Profile available at VOTE411.ORG

For those curious, I answered the following 4 questions concerning Middletown below are partial answers to these questions. Hit the Candidate Profile link above to read my complete answers:  

1. What are the major challenges facing the community, and how would you propose to face these challenges if elected? 

 Middletown's government lacks a clear vision for our town's future. There is no strategy for organic growth; We need better commuting options, including walkability, bike lanes, and transit connectivity. Growth is inevitable, but how we manage it defines our future. We can't grow sustainably without attracting new residents and businesses. Unfortunately, Middletown has an affordability problem: young professionals, working-class families, and seniors are being priced out. There is no more affordable housing options for those that wish to stay in our community....

 2. How has your personal and professional expirience prepared you to serve in the municipal government? 

I’ve lived and raised my family in Middletown for 34 years. I’ve stood up for working class taxpayers, special needs families, affordability and transparency in government. Since 2008 my watchdog blog “MiddletownMike” has kept residents informed about township policies, issues and events. Working in the Chemical industry has prepared me to expect the unexpected and prepare for the 'what if'.  

 3. What polices, if any, would you pursue to help mitigate the effects of climate change and promote and preserve environmental quality in the community? 

Unlike many naysayers, I believe that climate change is real. I believe that we have to rely on science and commonsense to help alleviate its impact on our environment. We need to embrace Green technologies like solar & wind power, alternative fuels and green building practices. The Township's Planning and Zoning boards need to place an emphasis on sustainability when approving projects or development...

4.  If elected, how would you address the issue of affordable housing in the community? 

 As stated already, I believe Middletown has an affordability problem. There are no more affordable housing options for those that wish to stay in our community; young professionals, working-class families, and seniors are being priced out of our community. The annual reassessment of township property values has driven massive tax increases for the average homeowner. According to Middletown's CFO, the average property assessment has risen 47% over the past five years....   

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