Friday, October 16, 2020

Beware of the Sample Ballot

Sample Ballot

FYI - Be prepared and let everyone know, it has come to my attention that sample ballots will be mailed out to residences through out the State and Monmouth County starting on 10/23 whether you have already returned your vote-by-mail ballots or not.

People no doubt, will be confused as to why they are receiving a sample ballot even though they have voted already. People should be aware and let others know that they can ignore the sample ballot when it arrives, especially if they have already voted. 

The sample ballot could be identical to the vote-by-mail ballot that everyone has already received .... it will not and does not replace the mail-in ballots that everyone already has or has sent back to the County. 

It should be noted that sample ballots did not go out to voters before the Primary elections earlier this year as normal. People need to know they can ignore them if they have already voted. If people haven't voted yet, they need to know not to mail or drop off the wrong voting form.


UPDATE 10/20:  There's no need to fear as previously warned. It appears that if voters receive anything in the mail over the next few days from the County Clerk, it will information on where to physically vote (polling locations in your town) and the locations of County Dropboxes. An actual sample ballot should not be mailed to residents as previously mentioned. --MM

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