Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pallone Opposes New Trade Deal that Hurts American Workers

December 19, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) issued the following statement on the NAFTA 2.0 trade deal:

“I voted against the original NAFTA because it was a bad deal for American workers. There has been a steep decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs over the past 25 years as a result of NAFTA’s lax enforcement rules that encouraged corporations to outsource jobs to Mexico. Unfortunately, NAFTA 2.0 does little to improve upon this corporate giveaway that fails to prioritize workers.

“While my House Democratic colleagues worked hard to fix the fatally flawed trade deal the Trump Administration sent to the House in 2018, the final version does not adequately strengthen Mexican labor standards or help repatriate American jobs lost as a result of the original deal. The agreement does not create a binding enforcement system that curbs environmental violations or remove a liability shield for tech companies similar to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. I cannot support another bad deal for American workers, and I will continue to stand with many of my labor, environmental, and consumer protection partners in opposing NAFTA 2.0.”

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