Friday, February 15, 2019

Pallone Statement on Government Funding Agreement and Possible Declaration of National Emergency

February 15, 2019
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr (NJ-06) released the following statement on the funding agreement to keep the government open and the possibility that President Trump would build declare a national emergency to build his border wall.

“President Trump’s ridiculous demands for a costly and unnecessary border wall previously led to a shutdown that lasted for 35 days. While this agreement is far from perfect, it is a hard earned compromise that avoids another disastrous government shutdown for our country. The agreement makes important investments in our nation’s future and ensures that federal workers will continue to receive their paychecks while also giving them a well-deserved raise.

“Make no mistake, Democrats will fight President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency in Congress, the courts and wherever is necessary to prevent the president from trampling on the Constitution. Despite the president’s lies, there is no national emergency on our nation’s border and circumventing Congress on this issue will set a dangerous precedent that Republicans may very well regret.

“The wall is costly, impractical and unnecessary. Mexico is never going to pay for it, the American people don’t want it and declaring a national emergency to build it is illegal.”

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