Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 19, 2019 Middletown Township Committee Meeting

In observance of President's Day, this weeks meeting of the Middletown Township Committee meeting was moved from Monday night, to the following night, Tuesday February 19th 2019. It was a relatively short meeting (I didn't attend, I watched the video) which lasted just under an hour.

Here are the highlights from the meeting as posted by Don Watson on the Patch:

- Fire Chief Fred Gorsegner was recognized for his 50 years of service with the MTFD.
- Ordinances were adopted that would re-appropriate borrowed funds to purchase radar units for the police, another for sidewalk improvements and amend summer recreation camps and gymnasium rentals.
- Ordinances were introduced to establish a refund policy for recreation fees and another to amend recreation preschool program fees.
- Some of the resolutions adopted include a change order for Thompson Ave, appoint a municipal prosecutor and ratify an agreement with the Superior Officers Association.
- A group of concerned residents came to express their concerns regarding a proposed crematory being constructed at Fairview Cemetery. Residents spoke about the potential effects of the exhaust that is produced when human bodies are cremated. The Township Committee informed the residents to bring their concerns to the Planning Board, for they could not comment on an application in front of the Planning Board.

As always you can download a copy of the Meeting Agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars.

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