Friday, August 17, 2018

Facts about the Township’s Public Hearing Monday Night on the Circus Liquors Redevelopment Plan

Middletown Public Information:
Posted on: August 17, 2018

The Township Committee will be holding a public hearing at its Regular Meeting on Monday, August 20th at 8:00PM in the Court Room to consider the possible adoption of a Redevelopment Plan.

Under the State law in New Jersey, Redevelopment Plans act as what is essentially an overlay to the existing underlying zoning of a property. The standards and provisions often allow a municipality to go somewhat beyond what can be required by the underlying zoning and in certain ways be more specific. This includes input regarding architectural and landscaping criteria, and also allows the Township more control over the timing and phasing of improvements.

So what will happen if the Redevelopment Plan is approved by the Township Committee on Monday night? Will this mean that the Circus Liquors Project is approved?

If the Township Committee votes “Yes” to adopting the Redevelopment Plan, this means that the applicant must still process a complete site plan application before the Planning Board with testimony, evidence, and full public participation.

If the Redevelopment Plan is not approved by the Township Committee, the applicant may still go forward with the Planning Board complete site plan application with evidence, testimony and full public participation, as provided by the law of the State of New Jersey. The only major difference is that the developer would not be required to comply with the specific standards outlined in the Redevelopment Plan.

In order to give everyone a fair opportunity to speak, there will a sign-in sheet outside of the meeting room on Monday night. Please sign in as your enter the room.

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