Monday, October 23, 2017

Letter: LD13 Candidates Brynes, Giaimo & DiDato; Not Career Politicians

To the editor:

Recently, I’ve been knocking on strangers’ doors. I haven't done this since I got too old to Trick or Treat. But I have started again, this time to communicate with my neighbors about the strong 13th Legislative District candidates who are running for office: Sean Byrnes for state Senate and Tom Giaimo and Mariel DiDato for state Assembly.

Unlike their career-politician opponents, Byrnes, Giaimo and DiDato have all worked hard to help their communities as private citizens.

Byrnes, a former active Coast Guard officer, has served on the boards of many nonprofits including the YMCA, the Parker Family Health Clinic and currently the board of the Monmouth County SPCA. He counsels small businesses and nonprofits on how best to grow. Byrnes also volunteers time and money for R.A.G.E (Residents Against Giant Electric), and has filed a lawsuit on its behalf. Giaimo volunteered tens of thousands of dollars of his firm’s legal services to the victims of superstorm Sandy. Mariel DiDato volunteers as a crisis response advocate who helps the victims of sexual and domestic violence understand their options as they pursue justice.

Many of us are dissatisfied with what career politicians have done in Trenton and in Washington. We also want to send a message to Capitol Hill. Our most powerful way to voice that dissatisfaction is with our vote.

Liz deBeer
Fair Haven

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder if this author will take a similar position against our longest tenured career politician next year: Pallone