Thursday, June 18, 2015

Middletown Teachers Remake Meghan Trainor Song To Promote Summer Reading

As a parent of a child still going through the Middletown School system, I can attest to the difficulties that parents face trying to get their kids to complete there designated summer reading.  Usually the reading doesn't take place until the final dwindling days of Summer are upon us and school is about to start. The anxiety rises and no one is really happy during those last few days of Summer vacation.

That's why I want to give a shout out to the teachers of Middletown's Ocean Ave. Elementary School, for taking the time to put together and record video a neat little video to the tune of Megan Trainor's "Dear Future Husband", reminding their students of the importance of their summer reading.

Will it help? That's debatable but I give the teachers an A+ for trying

Ocean Avenue School Teachers kick off summer by encouraging their students to read each and every night to beat that "summer slide"

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