Thursday, March 12, 2015

Letter: Middletown Committeeman Calling For Pipeline Resolution Needs Better Understanding Of The Issues

The expressed opinions or views of this letter does not necessarily represent the opinion of the MiddletownMike blog:

Middletown Township Committeeman Gerry Scharfenberger has proposed that the committee pass a resolution at its March 16 meeting to support the so-called Southern Reliability Link Pipeline (SRL).

At the March 2 meeting, Scharfenberger admitted to having only cursory knowledge about the project and indicated that his only information source was an industry representative. How, then, could he feel he has enough information as a public official to support the project or ask other public officials to support it?

The SRL, a 30-inch high-pressure gas pipeline proposed by New Jersey Natural Gas, would run through Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean Counties parallel to an existing pipeline further north. It’s unlikely that the industry representative mentioned the risk of explosion, that the pipeline isn’t necessary — a solution in search of a problem — or that the end game is increasing overall capacity to maximize liquified natural gas exports, which would greatly increase the domestic price of natural gas due to higher prices on world markets. This prospect explains the company’s willingness to make the large capital investment, a burden that will be borne by New Jersey ratepayers.

It’s also unlikely that the industry rep mentioned that a direct impact will be the further expansion of fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, a highly polluting form of natural gas extraction that poisons our air, land and water with hundreds of toxic chemicals and releases radioactivity and substantial quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

The Township Committee should explore renewable energy initiatives, not support unnecessary fossil fuel infrastructure that endangers the public and exacerbates climate change.

Linda Baum

Middletown Township


Anonymous said...

Do what you want with this Mike:

Anthony Fiore linked to Governor Christie's latest scandal?

From the article:

"Campaign finance records show that at least one other Prudential executive donated to Christie’s 2009 campaign. Anthony Fiore, then a vice president with Prudential Investments, gave $2,000 to the governor’s campaign. Currently a Republican committeeman in Middletown and a senior vice president at Prudential, Fiore’s bio describes him as “a certified retirement and pension specialist.” Still, Prudential's spokesperson asserted that "Fiore did not meet the definition of an investment management professional" under New Jersey rules, though he provided no further explanation. Fiore did not respond to a request for comment about his contributions to Christie."

Anonymous said...

The only issue G.P. Scharfenberger understands is his own self promotion !!!

That's all he has ever understood !!

Anonymous said...

Cause all we hear about is all the explosions from the "parallel" pipeline within the last 30 years!

Smoke and Mirrors don't scare me!
Nice try Linda!

Anonymous said...

Wonder why anon 11:45 is so arrogant and ignorant of some of the facts abut these pipelines. Almost as dumb as the ill advised person promoting a project he knows almost nothing about.

Nothing scares the imbeciles until something blows up in their faces and then it's too late.