Saturday, December 21, 2013

NOTICE : TAX SALE DEC. 30 – tax sale list now available

By Linda Baum
Cross posted on Middletown Patch

As I previously posted, Middletown Township will hold a sale of unpaid property taxes and sewer fees at 9:00 AM on December 30th. The sale will include any property taxes owed for 2013 and also sewer fees of more than $150 owed through August 31st. Balances include accrued interest plus sale & publication charges.

Since my last post, the tax sale list has been published in the December 13 edition of the Two River Times. I recommend reviewing it because there are many property owners who owe small amounts of $50 or $100 that they may not realize they owe. Winding up with a costly tax lien on your property is no way to start the new year if you can avoid it.

Unfortunately, the township typically publishes the notice only in the Two River Times, not the Asbury Park Press like many other municipalities do. The Times is less widely distributed and, unlike the Press, does not participate in the free online public notices service to allow for easy look-up. You can only view the public notice on the Times’ own website. Also, this week’s classified section is no longer available online once the next edition of the paper comes out.

To increase the availability of the public notice, the Times’ Dec. 13 classified section is attached to this post. It can also be viewed here: The tax sale list is in block & lot order, so you may want to have your assessment card handy for that info.

In the past, I’ve been criticized by some commenters for providing the sale list on Patch, but I think these folks are missing the whole point of the public notice – to notify. The public notice is both important and required by law, but does little good if no one sees it.

To avoid inclusion in the December 30th sale, residents have until Friday, December 27 to pay amounts owed. The tax collector’s office is open until 4 PM, and TOMSA is open until 4:30 PM....

Continue Reading on Middletown Patch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There goes my subscription to The Two River Times. A good paper is expected to serve the community by providing a wide range of information.
The TRT has a very very limited circulation. If the Middletown Township Committee truly wanted to collect taxes and fees and truly wanted to inform delinquent taxpayers, then they would authorize publication in a more widely circulated paper. And, they would go step further and publish on the township website.