Friday, August 2, 2013

Middletown Democrats Endorse Congressman Frank Pallone For U.S. Senate

For Immediate Release
August 2, 2013

At its July 25th 2013 meeting, The Middletown Democratic Executive Committee (governing committee of the Middletown Democratic Party), voted overwhelmingly to endorse the campaign of Congressman Frank Pallone in his bid as candidate for the U.S. Senate seat formerly occupied by Senator Frank Lautenberg. The Middletown Democratic Party urges all registered Democrats to show their support by voting for Congressman Pallone in the upcoming special Primary Election on Tuesday, August 13th 2013.

Democratic Party Chairman Don Watson states:

“Congressman Pallone has represented the 6th Congressional District for many years and has done everything he could to protect against cuts to Social Security and Medicare. He has a strong environmental record and has advocated for the cleaning up of our waterways and the protection of our shorelines and he stands up for every resident, especially those in the middle class.

In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Congressman Pallone has worked tirelessly to ensure that the residents in the Bayshore region of northern Monmouth County and other communities along the shorelines of the 6th Congressional District receive the relief needed to get them back into their homes and move on with their lives. Without his advocacy for assistance on the federal level, New Jersey would not have the funds to distribute to those affected.

Congressman Pallone has also reached out across party lines, working with those in both the House and Senate to write and pass legislation signed into law by the President. He knows how to work with all members of Congress and would be the most effective person to represent all of New Jersey in the U.S. Senate.”

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