Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In Defense of Library Director Susan O’Neal’s Library Advocacy

Last Wednesday, July 17 there was a small group of 9 or so attendees at the meeting of the Middletown Library Board.   During public comments at the start of the meeting (time: 8:34), Middletown resident Elizabeth Mitchell spoke eloquently in support of Library Director Susan O’Neal’s advocacy for the library.

Ms. Mitchell addressed a number of the unreasonable criticisms in the news of late and provided clear thinking in their place. She spoke without any script and received ample applause from the small group of public attendees. Here's what she had to say:
"My name is Elizabeth Mitchell. I have lived in this township of Middletown since 1967. I was employed as an adjunct instructor at Monmouth University and for about 40 years as an English instructor at Ocean County College.
I am deeply concerned about the issues of FREE SPEECH which I have spoken on publicly and sometimes in very controversial situations throughout my career.
I have a high opinion of the library and the way that it has been run during my nearly entirely adult life in this township.
I do not like the tone of the kind of commentary that is coming from a certain Committeeman and it does not seem to be being responded to by the Trustees of the library. I guess in terms of the agenda what I would be speaking to is your mission statement and it seems extremely startling to me that anyone would expect the head of the library to be passive or to be unconcerned about issues that affect the funding of the library.
What would you think of a football coach whose team, let’s say it was a high school coach whose team fumbled and lost and did not go through proper training processes season after season and the coach said, “Well I’m an impartial person. I’m just you know in favor of athletics and I pride myself on my detachment from the whole concern.
I think that any public librarian much less the head of the library should receive a
HERO MEDAL for standing up for public funding for the library, for wanting open public records when it comes to shutting down branch libraries, who would communicate with people who might be concerned about the fate of the library.
I think that’s a VOCATION and you’re very lucky if you have someone who regards a job as a vocation. Some businessmen are like that, I mean they really want to serve the public. They don’t look at it simply like a cash transfer concern. The best doctors, the best teachers, have a big investment in the concerns that they are employed in and that is certainly true for a library.
I think we’re all dealing with a kind of stereotype of librarians that is terribly outdated. I mean I look at this report that came out I guess in the email of the Asbury Park Press. It says “Susan O’Neal played more than just a passive role in the library imbroglios”. Well let’s hope that its more than just a passive role! 
If the head of the library is unconcerned about the fate of the library, you’ve got a huge, huge, problem, and you should be supporting her to the max.

Now I do not have any personal connection with Susan O’Neal. I belong to a discussion group that meets monthly to discuss major books and the discussions there are focused on the books. I do not know any of the other people who have been involved in the issues that you’ve been discussing. But I think behind all of it is a terribly important principle that has to do with apparently not expecting leadership from the people that you’ve hired to be leaders. I mean it just seems, it seems incredible.

I’d like to make an analogy and this has to do with the statement that Susan O’Neal approved the closing of the branch libraries and then backed off from that. If you have a prisoner and you lock the prisoner in a cell and you gave him a choice between water or food and they choose water then would you accuse them of deliberately starving themselves to death? Because it seems to me that that is the kind of irrational logic that’s going on here that somebody who has their budget cut is then criticized for making decisions with what can be accomplished with a diminished budget.
I think it’s time for a wake-up call; I am really alarmed at what you are letting happen here."
Well said.

To see what else happened during the July 17th meeting of  the Middletown Library Board you can watch the video below, its run time is a little more than an hour long. A lot happened at the meeting that should be of interest to many, so take the time and watch it.

(Thanks go to M.E. for transcribing Ms. Mitchell's comment.)


jerseymom said...

I moved here in 2007 from Ohio wher I worked as a library assistant. Never have I seen a Township and Library embroiled in such personal vendettas. What the heck is going on here? You are lucky to have a Library, supported by the public, with activities for all ages. This is out of control and needs to stop. What a shame for Middletown. Stope the personal attacks a get back to the people's business.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to NJ politics, little men/women full of themselves with grand ambitions for themselves, not the people.

Anonymous said...

Well, defending her "advocacy" isn't the same as defending her "integrity" is it?

She betrayed the trust of the board she reports to.

She should be fired.

Anonymous said...

Betraying the trust? Why doesn't our town committee televise their meetings? Lack of integrity is the reason. So many other towns televise their meetings, not here though. If they had nothing to hide they would be transparent as Sharrfey promised to the last time he ran for election, yet another unfilled promise. They do not want the people to see how arrogant and rudely they treat the residents. And how much money they waste on pet projects. The library is one of the best in the state and a tremendous asset for the people. Now that our town committee is wielding power over it we shall unfortunately see it's service to the residents erode.

Anonymous said...

The MTPL Board should have enough sense to know what they are running. The Board should have ALL the information to perform the task in which they were appointed to do. If they don't know how to obtain the information needed, they should step down as Board members.
Looking at the video, it apears this Board has other things on thier minds besides the best interests of our library.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:38 - Yes, she betrayed their trust. The rest of what you wrote is about the TC and irrelevant to the discussion we are having, but thanks for playing.

Anon at 12:43 - The Library Board relies in large part on the Library Director for the ":information they need to run the Library..." See, that's why they are about to fire Ms. O'Neal. She kept that information from them and lied to them while trying to manipulate events to get what she wanted...

She lost...

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the Library Board does not have a clue about managing a Library. The Board should be asking questions at the meetings instead of just sitting there. They don't take the initiative to be a real Board. Some of the Boards responsibilities include:
- Hold in trust and manage all properties of the Library. Clearly, this is not being done.

- Secure adequate funds to carry on the Library programs. Apparently, the Board is more interested in the Township Committee securing the Library funds, for the programs and branches are not being carried on.

- Together with the Director, prepare, present and justify an annual budget. If the Board has no clue what the expenses are, how can they justify an annual budget? They are supposed to work together. Have they no clue on how to do that either?

If one or two people can obtain information, surely between the 9 Board members at least one of them should be able to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7/25 @ 7:51 and 5:54 ......Are you ignorant or what ? This TC committee and the ones in the last 10 plus years are integrity challenged and the tools of their trade are character assassination,slander,lies,cheating and whatever it takes for them to win regardless of who happens to be their current victim.

Have lived in this community for nearly fifty years and have never been so disgusted with the lack of
character of the republicans that currently hold office in this community and in recent years. The lack of integrity is enough to rot your socks.

Election time is especially characteristic of what I refer to. Never a discussion of the issues and always the slander of opponents. Middletown Republicans have become a gang of thugs and they don't care who or what they destroy in order to control the money in this town.

Our schools, our park system, our sports programs and our library have fallen victim.
Democratic government is NON EXISTENT in Middletown as these creatures run rampant over anyone who disagrees with them !!!

Frankly, the ACLU should do a thorough investigation of this gang of republican thugs. The 73,000 plus residents of this community would benefit from such an investigation !!

Our rights as citizens are being violated at every turn of the road. This TC and that mouthpiece of theirs are not even civil to the people of this community. This TC, behaves in a disgusting, ignorant,uneducated manner and it's time to do something about it !

Anonymous said...

"Betrayed the Trust of the Board..", Tony...???

What does that mean?

She didn't sit still while you tried to STEAL 1.2 million dollars from the library's coffers that was mostly from State monies, and fines and fees and set aside for Capital Improvements to the Library, such as expanding the Parking Lot for the residents of Middletown to come to the library.

Isn't that the same Parking Lot, Tony that you promised would be built by the Township with Township funds and "cheaper"?

We are still waiting for that parking lot, Tony...uh what, you LIED about that too..there will be no parking lot? How will we now unless we see you're emails, you cheap, low quality person, you?

The only thing Ms. Oneal had done was provide public information to a citizen who had requested it.

Your little vendetta and witch hunt is a joke. A pathetic joke perpetrated by tiny little men.

Is your plan to institute another "puppet" at the library as Director so you can go about and STEAL more funds from the library and run the "gem of Monmouth county" (your words, Tony), into the ground?

You people don't know what you are doing. You don't know the first thing about running a successful library. Just like you don't know anything about the school system either, but you're trying to control that too.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 1:29 -

Well, you certainly seem to have strong opinions about the Library, and clearly you don't like this Board.

I don't see how you expect them to "raise funds" when the Library Budget is a set amount of the assessed property values in town. It is what it is.

I suggest that you let the TC know that you are interested in the next opening on the LB or that you get yourself elected to the TC so you can appoint members to the LB who are to your liking. Appointing members to the LB is their task.

None of this has anything to do with the LB's need to find a new Director. I have a hunch that things will go much better when they find someone who won't withhold information, lie and manipulate things in that spot...

Fed Up with Obnoxious Government Officials said...

Sybil @5:35 p.m....you at it again?

God help the people of this community with the lack of intelligence and integrity and the gross ignorance shown by the low caliber politicians serving on this TC and this library board.

It's all about CONTROL of the money regardless of whether we are talking the library,the schools, the sports programs or whatever.

The people of Middletown are treated with disdain and civility is a long lost commodity in this town.The arrogance of those serving on the TC and in many other positions is a disgrace.

Susan O'Neal has served this community well for many years and her dedication to her position is remarkable,especially given the conduct of those who use intimidation and slander to achieve their evil purposes.

We saw that with the former library board chairman, most of the former board members and now Ms. O'Neal is the NEXT VICTIM OF THIS PERSECUTION!


When do we get people serving in government that respect the people they were elected to serve? WHEN?? EVER??

Anonymous said...

Good people become victims of ignominious politicians.

"It is all about money and influence and power and political ink" as stated by a former N.J. governor.

It's clear that Susan O'Neal serves the residents of Middletown and the township library.

Anonymous said...

Fed Up -

At least you (and only you) have offered a tepid defense of Ms. O'Neal. Too bad it was contained within your usual spittle flecked rantings.

What do YOU think should be done with an employee who withholds information from her supervisors, who lies to them, breaks confidentiality and attempts to get her own way by trying to cook up public pressure on them and the TC?

Should she be rewarded or fired?

I think that answer is pretty clear. Just look at the "vast" number of citizens who came out to support Ms. O'Neal at the last Library Board meeting. LOL

I guess in your mind things are dire here in Middletown. In reality though, the electorate is very happy with it's elected and appointed officials. Hint: That's why your favored candidates regularly get whipped each November...

Anonymous said...

Smart Ass 11:49,a.m.

Everyone that disagrees with you is not a Democrat and FYI, things are dire here run by the Middletown version of the mob. Our schools have been attacked, our library has been attacked. our sports programs are being financially attacked ,our very quality of life has been attacked and you have you head in the sand. You like it that way ! Oblivious to reality.

Beg to differ with you and advise you that you are an ignominious ,smug .condescending individual .Perhaps in your "majestic" thinking you cannot comprehend that there are a lot of people who don't agree with the current version of republican administration in Middletown . They are fellow republicans. They are tired of the CRAP !

Ms. O'Neal has done the job she was hired to do and with dedication and purpose and principals.

The bottom of the barrel politician's actions are clearly a political agenda ! It's about MONEY and POWER and another election season.! Not surprising as this is nothing new and you are one of the regular slime throwers.

Go peddle your crap on MMM or aren't your comments welcome over there anymore.

Anonymous said...

The committee probably have a political flunky waiting in the wings to replace her.

Anonymous said...

You guys have warped views AND you obviously think more highly of yourselves than the record indicates you should.

The citizens of Middletown have been steadily re-electing the same committee members for a generation. There are far more people supporting the Township Committee and the people they appoint than there are opposing them - that's just a fact!

I've been hearing about this "Silent Majority" who are "tired" of township government for years now? Where's the proof of that.

It would take at least until January 2015 for a non-GOP majority to take control, IF the next two elections went your way.

How much do you want to bet that a current member of the TC will be mayor in January 2015?

Not a Democrat said...

Remember "Tongue Tied For A Reason" published in the APP press when Sharfey ran his last time and remember all the mud you slung in the in the previous two elections before tat and remember your buddy,"tough Tony" chiming in then and the unjust campaigns against Pat Short and Sean Byrnes ?.

The republicans in this town have sunk to the gutter with the slander,the lies,the downright unethical behavior.
You, cheerleader , are deep in participation in all of this unethical behavior. Couldn't win an election without resorting to the slander and character assassination !!

THAT"S THE REALITY OF THE MATTER and there's nothing warped about that view ,just something warped about the republicans in this community LIKE YOU and your ugly, mud slinging comrades!

That's exactly what's happening with the situation at the library, Ms. O'Neal spoke to a Middletown resident,who happens to be a candidate for the TC. That's what this is all about .. and POWER and MONEY !! Now tough Tony thinks it's his right to destroy her character!!! She should sue him!

God please save this town. Where does the republican chair find these weasels ?

Anonymous said...

Not a Dem -

The sky is blue in our world. What color is it in yours?


Anonymous said...

This library board is a conglomeration of Middletown Republican political hacks engaged in pandering to the party, ignoring the needs of the town's residents and put out false information to the taxpayers to try to justify their reprehensible conduct !!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:30:

Did you just move to Sea Gull Lane ?

Anonymous said...

Pretty handy that anything you don't want to believe is "false information," and yet you get to make accusations and unsubstantiated stories and people are supposed to take them at face value.

The members of the Library Board are volunteers. They are appointed by the Township Committee, no matter how much you hate that fact, that's what the law requires.

They are dealing with a rogue employee who has lied to them, withheld information from hem and plotted with others to put pressure on them to ensure that she got her own way.

They have to decide on what to do with her, and I guess they started that process during this last meeting. My belief is that they should have fired her at once, but they are apparently doing some more thinking about it.

If you don't like the fact that this is their decision, talk to your legislature about changing the law to where YOU get to decide who is the Director of the Library. Otherwise - if you do support the Library (as opposed to just trying to blow smoke for political reasons)- you should get behind this board as they find a new Director and move forward into the future.

Anonymous said...

We are all entitled to our own opinions and the library board and this TC are snakes and this is all about politics....plain and simple.... political slander and character assassination and intimidation.

HAPPENS EVEY YEAR ABOUT THIS TIME AND Ms.O'Neal is the current victim. She is no rogue employee
just a victim of La Cosa Middletown !!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of employees using an employer's computers for personal e-mails.....how about the mayor using the system at Monmouth College where he was a teacher to send out his political messages to the public last time he ran. It could have affected the college's tax exempt status when that infraction came to light!
The Middletown republicans are a tawdry and corrupt bunch.Speak out of both sides of their mouths always.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:13

Does your Mommy know you're using her computer, honey?

This is a grown up conversation. The "My Little Pony" blog is ---------> that way...

Anonymous said...

Can't stand the truth can you 5:37 p.m..

Your place is on the MMM blog where the truth is never ever important.

Many residents of Middletown have long memories . It's just the facts of the matter... and we are not "tongue tied" for any reason !!!

That's the grown up conversation!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Middletown Republicans think they are INVINCIBLE and that the rules APPLY TO EVERYONE ELSE but DO NOT apply to them...........