Thursday, April 11, 2013

One NJ Releases 1st Television Commercial Highlighting the Real Story Behind Christie's Record

Fact: NJ Is Falling Further Behind

(NEW JERSEY) – Tomorrow, One New Jersey is going up with its first television commercial to help people learn about the real story in New Jersey. The spot will run as a six-figure, state-wide cable buy for the next few weeks, and is being supplemented by a robust online ad buy.

“Governor Christie touted a Jersey Comeback. But, contrary to his claims, we’re clearly falling behind,” said Joshua Henne, spokesman for One New Jersey. "Our first commercial seeks to serve as a wake-up call to Trenton that there’s a huge gulf between the rhetoric being espoused and the reality on the ground. The sad truth is that New Jersey is falling further and further back due to the wrong-headed policies and misplaced priorities of the past few years. No amount of hype or hyperbole can hide the fact that middle-class and working families are hurting, while millionaires and powerful interests get special treatment – and New Jersey ends up worse-off, as a result.”

The facts speak for themselves. Over the past few years, New Jersey has consistently trailed the rest of America when it comes to jobs. In fact, under Christie and his policies, the state’s unemployment rate reached its widest distance from the national average since the 1970s. Right now, New Jersey has the country’s 7th highest unemployment and is the worst state in the region when it comes to joblessness.

While Christie's policies have surely warmed the hearts of right-wing think tanks, they've had a chilling effect on New Jersey's families. Protecting tax cuts for multi-millionaires, but vetoing an increase to the minimum wage reveals a backwards set of priorities. Property taxes skyrocketed some 20% on Christie’s watch, while services are slashed. Fiscal pain is pushed along to municipalities, while local residents are paying more and receiving less from local government. New Jersey also became home to the 2nd highest percentage of mortgage loans in foreclosure in America, even though rates nationally are falling to their lowest levels since 2008.

Since launching in the Summer of 2011, One New Jersey consistently shines a light on those policies striking against the best interests of New Jersey residents. One New Jersey is also exposing efforts to divide the state and its people for political gain. Along those lines, One New Jersey has written op-eds and offered commentary on a whole host of issues - including economic failures, broken promises on jobs, regressive policies and New Jersey’s chronic unemployment. A true “Jersey Comeback” would, indeed, be a great thing. Unfortunately, that’s not the real story, as the facts prove otherwise.

One New Jersey is an independent 501(c) 4 advocacy organization that monitors policy positions and actions of elected officials and brings to light their records on the issues that matter to New Jersey’s middle-class and working families. You can follow @OneNJ on Twitter and search for “One New Jersey” on Facebook.


Anonymous said...

They should add christie's campaigns lies he made to get elected.
* he said pensions were a "sacred trust" and he would not change them.
*he said he would not use one shot "quick fixes" to balance the budget and then he took the money from the solar energy fund to balance his budget.
After he was elected he went to Illinois and told us he would be bringing back businesses to create jobs here. Well, that never happened and we have seen companies leaving NJ. And this is a guy who says he always tells the truth. Just another political phony.

Anonymous said...

And just what do you expect from the republicans of today ??

Could not tell the truth if their lives depended upon it and would stab their own parents in the back for a $.