Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Candidate Profile: Matthew Morehead, Candidate for 13th Legislative District, NJ State Assembly

(Assembly Candidate Matthew Morehead)
Atlantic Highlands Herald columnist DJ Mikolay has written a very nice candidate profile for Matthew Morehead. Morehead is running in the 13th District hoping to unseat either of the incumbants, Assemblywoman Amy Handlin or Assemblyman Declon O'Scanlon.

Here's some excerpts from the article:
Like many New Jersey natives, Matthew Morehead has always taken great pride in his community, viewing its unique people and places as a source of inspiration. A lifelong resident of Monmouth County, his family tree is largely intertwined with local history, stretching from pre-Revolutionary times all the way to the modern era. It was this sense of kinship with his surroundings that propelled Morehead to become politically active; now, with the November elections just around the corner, the Middletown resident hopes to open a new chapter in Bayshore history by being elected to the State Legislature.
As one of the Democratic Party candidates for Assembly in the Thirteenth Legislative District, Morehead hopes to provide constituents with accessible and open-minded representation in Trenton. A long-time activist in political causes, he first considered running for office in 2009. Though he ultimately didn’t do so, the prospective candidate never lost this desire to serve New Jersey’s residents; a dream became reality when the Monmouth County Democrats nominated Morehead, who served as campaign manager for the party’s legislative tickets in the Thirteenth District in 2007 and 2009...
Morehead believes the increasing polarization of American politics and the broadening of the line that separates Democrats and Republicans has had an adverse impact on government accountability, shutting out those who would otherwise become involved in state affairs. In addition to the inaccessibility of elected officials, changing political norms have blurred the line between conservatism and liberalism, leaving a growing demographic completely unrepresented by politicians, who continue to use the partisan model.
Morehead, who supports shared services and believes “we have reached the limit on what we can tax individuals in this state,” plans to discard such ideological isolation if elected to office.
“My door would always be open to anyone, no matter what their party or ideas,..."
You can read the full article .... HERE 

If you like what you read or want to know more about what Matthew Morehead thinks is important, you can follow him on his new Facebook profile page.


Anonymous said...

The candidates that will oppose Handlin and O'Scanlon according to the Press reporting on the projected Democrats do not include Matt Morehead's name. A recent report circulating even claimed Amy Mallet and John D'Amico would be the candidates for the Democrats in the 13th. Now that could be a contest but the two persons named were not John or Amy either.

Can you clear up the question who is running since the filing date was April 1st ?

MiddletownMike said...

Here is a list of those who have filed in the 13th District to run for the State Assembly. Note that there are 4 Republicans vying for the two seats. That is because the Bayshore Tea Party has fielded their own candidates to challenge incumbents Handlin and O'Scanlon :

Allison Friedman (D) Aberdeen

Matthew Morehead (D) Red Bank

Edna Walsh (R) Middletown

Stephen Boracchia (R) Atlantic Highlands

Amy Handlin* (R) Lincroft

Declan O’Scanlon* (R) Little Silver

The report that stated Mallet and D'Amico where teaming up for Democrats was a false - April Fools - post by a notorious local blogger.